by Mark Zuckerberg says he is still the best person to run Facebook in the wake of its series of scandals. In a question-and-answer session with journalists on Wednesday afternoon, the 33-year-old CEO was asked whether he was still the most appropriate person to lead the social network. Earlier on Wednesday, Facebook said that it now estimates data from 87 million user profiles were impromperly used by the political research firm Cambride Analytica. “Yes,” he responded. “I mean — I think life is about learning from mistakes, and working out what you need to do to move forward.” Zuckerberg repeatedly admitted on the call that he and the company had made mistakes, but suggested that some missteps were inevitable: “If we got this right we would’ve messed something else up.” There has been calls from a major Facebook shareholder for Zuckerberg to stand down as chairman of the board. Zuckerberg said that to his knowledge, there have been no discussions among the board for him to step down: “Not to my knowledge.”
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