
by — President Biden said Friday that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman denied having any role in the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in a much-anticipated face-to-face meeting between the two leaders. “With respect to the murder of Khashoggi,” Biden told reporters during hastily scheduled remarks in the city of Jeddah. “I raised it at the top of the meeting, making clear what I thought of it at the time, and what I think of it now.”

When asked about the response of the crown prince, commonly known as MBS, Biden said: “He basically said that he was not personally responsible for it. I indicated I thought he was. He said he was not personally responsible for it and he took action against those who were responsible.” It was impossible to know if the meeting unfolded how Biden described since the press corps were removed from the room before the talks got underway. “Jamal Khashoggi, will you apologize to his family?” NBC reporter Peter Alexander shouted at MBS, who was seated opposite Biden along a long table at a royal palace in the Saudi city of Jeddah.