

One widely-circulated photograph of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) taken during his trip to meet with Syrian opposition fighters is coming under new scrutiny on Thursday. According to a report, McCain is featured taking a photograph with two people behind the kidnapping of 11 Lebanese Shi’ite Muslims. McCain denies that he was aware that the men he posed with were suspected of orchestrating the kidnapping. “Two of the men in the image are Mohamed Nour and Abu Ibrahim, claimed Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star,” according to a report on the incident in the U.K. Telegraph. “The men are described as being part of a group who kidnapped 11 Shias last year.”

McCain’s office claims that the two men photograph did not introduce themselves by the names with which they were identified by the kidnapping victim. A spokesman for the Arizona senator said that, if the men were guilty of the kidnapping, it would be “regrettable.”

h/t U.K. Telegraph Photo care of Mouaz Moustafa/AP