

I love midnight bells, they are full of surprises, at least from the Cinderalla movies or lately "Midnight in Paris"  this is what we have learned. But the bells that I have been subjected too are "slightly" different. They occur at 4:13AM or so constantly for the past month. I wake up completely lost: in my mind "what is happening!!!", I would be happily dreaming in my bed then suddenly the famous bells or should I say the awful fire alarm!! that would create the opposit effect of a midnight bell!! The famous 4:13AM bells or so are fire alarms, and the fun part of it is that I live in the 16 floor, how fun not to be able to use elevators!!! But I gave it up, I just stay in my bed  and I do not bother anymore leaving my apartment! The fire alarm would ring for 5 min non-stop with an awful acute noise, at the end of the 5 min, the concierge will speak out with the microphone that is broadcasted to all of the condo, to let us know that now we are "safe".


Here are the explanaiton from the management of my condominium @Milwaukee you really have to read it:




First Set of Fire Alarms explanation from Management:

date Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 3:26 PM
subject Fire Alarms
hide details Jun 22 (12 days ago)

Hello North Tower Resident,

The US Fire Protection just identified the leading cause of why the fire alarms went off at 4:43am and again early this morning. The building was struck by lightning in the early hours of the morning and created a potential electrical/mechanical problem. If any more alarms are to go off, and evacuation is not necessary, Security will use the intercom system to keep everyone informed if authorized to do so.
Thank You,
xxx xxxxxx
Security Supervisor



Second Set of Fire Alarms Explnanaion:


date Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:58 AM
subject Recent Fire Alarm Matter
hide details Jun 24 (11 days ago)

Dear Residents,


We wish to inform you that we are experiencing a continued problem with our fire/water pump, causing an alarm to sound when there is no fire or immediate life threatening emergency detected.  Even though the system is acting in an overly sensitive manner, we want to remind all residents to treat the fire alarms with urgency, as there could be an instance where a real emergency exists.  If the building has been surveyed and it has been verified that no emergency is present, we will alert everyone via the intercom system that it is safe to return to your homes.


Rick is actively working with the fire department and the US Fire and Protection Services to pinpoint the exact cause and work to ensure that the alarm does not continue to sound.  We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you, but please know that we are working to fix this issue as quickly as possible.  Please contact the office with any questions or concerns.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


Thank you,


The  Management Team





Third Set of Fire Alarms Explnanaion:

date Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 9:42 AM
subject Fire Alarms

Dear North Tower Resident,


The fire alarm that sounded early this morning was the result of a resident guest pulling a pull station in the North Tower.  We have reason to believe this person was most likely under the influence and thought it would be humorous to pull the fire panel sounding the horns.


In no way whatsoever, does this incident relate with previous alarms that took place in late June.  The management team has repaired and corrected that cause.  Coincidently, it may appear as if this incident was related but please understand that the management team took all appropriate actions to repair the building fire safety mechanisms.


If you have any questions relating to this issue please direct them to the management team at:


On behalf of the irresponsible guest, we’d like to apologize for the disturbance and hope you all had an enjoyable, safe holiday!




Your  Management Team