
by Tal Heinrich — — In a speech marking his 30-year anniversary as the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah said on Wednesday that the group is able to produce drones and transform thousands of standard rockets into precision-guided missiles. “We have been producing drones in Lebanon for a long time and whoever wants to buy them, submit an order,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech. He added that Hezbollah’s precision missiles program has been going on for years with the help of “experts” from Iran. Such missiles, according to Nasrallah, are not all stored in one place but rather throughout different locations across the country. Nasrallah has been in hiding ever since the second Israel-Lebanon war in 2006. He spoke from an unknown location via video and addressed Hezbollah in a southern suburb of Beirut during a ceremony marking the anniversary of the assassination of former Secretary-General Abbas al-Moussawi. Israeli forces targeted al-Moussawi’s convoy in an airstrike on Feb. 16, 1992.

Nasrallah praised the achievements of the Shiite movement during its nearly 40 years of its existence. “In 1982, Lebanon was facing a huge threat and on the brink of falling victim to Israeli hegemony. Resistance factions, including Hezbollah, were the ones who protected Lebanon’s identity. The resistance defended this identity with blood,” he stated. Nasrallah boasted about Hezbollah’s increasing military capabilities and revealed that last summer, the group conducted the largest training exercise to date, whereas he recognizes “a decline in the Israelis’ will to fight and in their confidence in their army.” The terrorist group leader claimed that Israel was not able to achieve its operational goal in Syria to stop the shipments of materials for Hezbollah’s precision missile project. “I tell the Israelis that their ‘battle between wars’ has turned the threat into an opportunity for the resistance,” he said.

Israel considers Hezbollah’s military capabilities as the second most serious security threat, after an Iranian nuclear weapon. Last week, Israel published the names of three Lebanese companies that it accused of supplying materials for Hezbollah’s precision-guidance missile project. Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued an administrative seizure order against them to increase international economic pressure on the Lebanese terror group.