

The latest example of  Facebook users boasting about crimes they committed  involves the 2012 presidential election, as a blog called Barracuda Brigade preserved an image of a since-deleted Facebook comment by a North Carolina man who claimed to have already voted for President Barack Obama four times, with a fifth on the way. reported on the post by Barracuda Brigade. The comment, by Jim Turner of Pine Knoll Shores, N.C., read:


"I have voted once in Beaufort, once in Henderson, twice in Emerald Isle and will vote in my precinct in PKS, I will do whatever it takes to save our country from the world envisioned by Mitt and his fear mongering followers. I do not want my granddaughter to have to re-fight the battles won by women 40 years ago or to make less than my grandson for performing the same work he does. This election is not about taxing the wealthy. It is about the American spirit and caring for our fellow man. Let’s continue to move forward, not slip in the dark past."



According to, Turner claimed in another Facebook comment that his initial comment was removed as part of a conspiracy, writing:

I posted a comment to Jami’s page earlier today and it now lives in cybersomewhere. I can’t seem to get with the whole facebook thing. I made bold comment on the future of my grandchildren under a Romney presidency and now it is gone. I think my comments were deleted as part of a conspiracy inspired by some who see our national glass as half empty. said another blog, One Man’s Heart, reported that local authorities and the FBI’s North Carolina field office were contacted about the matter, saying:

Early this morning, I called PKS police department and FBI’s North Carolina Field Office. They were quite interested in hearing more. I have forwarded all the information and assured me they’ll be pursuing it diligently. My goal is to ensure that only one vote is counted in the election; whatever happens after that is up to authorities.

Alicia Fix Luke of Barracuda Brigade told that she reached Turner’s wife on the phone, and Turner’s wife confirmed that he posted the message, but he didn’t actually vote multiple times, with Luke adding that Turner’s wife was “really rude” and ended up hanging up on her.

Readers: Whether Jim Turner actually did commit voter fraud or not, will Facebook users ever learn that it’s not wise to boast about criminal activity on a public forum?

Big mouth image courtesy of Shutterstock. Screen grab courtesy of Barracuda Brigade.