
New UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon meets Lebanese officials

The newly appointed United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Mrs. Joanna Wronecka met on Thursday with President Michel Aoun, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab and Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Zeina Akar. Wronecka discussed with the Lebanese leaders the main areas of cooperation between Lebanon and the United Nations based on the priority needs of Lebanon on the political, security, humanitarian and development levels. In reference to the urgent need for solutions for the crises in Lebanon, she stressed that solutions require effective state institutions and an empowered and reform-oriented government.

The United Nations Special Coordinator said that “Lebanon is in crisis and the Lebanese are suffering more and more every day”. “Solutions are urgently needed and they are available”, she added noting that “Lebanon is a country with great potential and can recover and rebuild a better future.” Furthermore, and recalling the partnership between Lebanon and the United Nations for decades, Wronecka reiterated the organization’s commitment to support Lebanon and its people as well as its peace, security, stability and social and economic development.