

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – Kuwait says it is developing a "medical test" to detect homosexuals and will bar entry into the country for people who fail it. Yousouf Mindkar, the director of public health at the Kuwaiti health ministry, told the Kuwaiti media, "Health centers conduct the routine medical check to assess the health of the expatriates when they come into the GCC countries. However, we will take stricter measures that will help us detect gays who will be then barred from entering Kuwait or any of the GCC member states."

Although the tests will certainly prove controversial, especially since homosexuality is the product of a disordered sexual appetite and, as opposed to a biological condition that can be measured on the basis of a physical examination, the countries are aiming to defend themselves against a militant movement that has already undermined many countries.

Several Gulf states have watched as the homosexual equivalency movement has generated discord in several countries, turning them into entire nations of Sodom. The people of those nations have the right to live by their morality and the militancy of the homosexual movement is extreme.

Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – already deem homosexual acts unlawful.

In places such as the United States, despite repeated majority votes calling upon state and national government to defend marriage, gays have earned the legal, if not spiritual right to refer to themselves as "married."

In several countries of the Middle East, homosexual choices are punished with lashes or imprisonment, and in a few cases even death.

While these punishments are extreme, and worthy of their own condemnation, they show the length to which these states will go to preserve a basic sense of morality and sexual decency. The world has no right to force its libertine sexual mores on the people of these nations.

Currently, it is illegal to perform homosexual acts of any kind in 78 countries.