
Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia is bad news for the Kremlin

Story by Tim McDonnell — quartz — Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman met this week in Riyadh to discuss oil trade and other issues. On Dec. 9, the leaders of Saudi Arabia and China met in Riyadh—Xi Jinping’s first visit there since 2016. He and his counterpart, crown prince […]

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Lebanon MPs again fail to fill vacant presidency

By Najia Houssari — — BEIRUT: Lebanon’s divided parliament failed to elect a new president on Thursday for a ninth time, with many MPs spoiling their ballots, including one who cast a vote for “Nelson Mandela.” Hezbollah opponent Michel Moawad won the support of 39 MPs, but fell well short of the required majority. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned the session and announced a new meeting next Thursday, the last session for 2022. Berri reiterated calls for dialogue among MPs to find a consensus candidate to prevent the process dragging on for months. Only 105 of 128 MPs showed up for the vote on Thursday and many of them spoilt their ballots. For the first time, and after eight parliamentary sessions, the number of blank ballots cast by Hezbollah and its allies was equal to the number of votes received by Mouawad. This tie came against the backdrop of the dispute that arose between Hezbollah and its Christian ally in Lebanon, the Free Patriotic Movement, since the Cabinet session last Monday.

According to a parliamentary observer, the FPM decided to stop casting blank ballots as before and distribute its votes in a calculated manner. Although the session failed to elect a president, the FPM’s move sent a calculated message to Hezbollah on its open decisions by leaking some of its deputies’ votes in favor of Mouawad, thereby reducing the number of blank votes, the observer said. The winning candidate requires at least 86 votes in the first round of voting, and an absolute majority of 65 votes in subsequent rounds. The parliament again failed to hold a second round for loss of quorum after the withdrawal of Hezbollah, the Amal Movement and MPs from other blocs. Nine MPs voted for “The New Lebanon,” five for Issam Khalifeh and three for the customs chief Badri Daher, who is in detention in relation to the investigation into the Beirut port explosion. Former deputy Ziad Baroud, legal expert and candidate Salah Honein, and activist and candidate Fawzi Bou Malhab received one vote each. One vote contained the inscription “For Lebanon,” and another “the agreement.” One vote was cast for “Nelson Mandela,” in addition to canceled votes.

The results of the ballot showed that the FPM deputies amounting to 17 chose their options carefully, as they did not direct all their votes toward Mouawad. Some votes containing the inscriptions “Mouawad,” “Michel” and “Mouawad Badri Daher” were annulled, among others. Hezbollah and the FPM deputies did not give any statement after the session, but engaged in a quick side talk. The Amal Movement MPs avoided discussing the dispute between Hezbollah and the FPM. MP Ali Hassan Khalil said every party should review its stances, so “we can move forward with this dialogue.” He said: “We are keen on preserving the relationships between the political forces and we don’t intervene in this matter. “Everyone should know that the only way to overcome this crisis is through dialogue and communication.”

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Elon Musk Loses Top Spot As World’s Richest

by © Knewz — Forbes announced that French businessman Bernard Arnault briefly passed Elon Musk to become the world’s richest person. With an estimated worth of $186 billion, the new Twitter owner’s net worth had decreased after a drop in the stock value of his other business, Tesla, pushing him below the $200 billion mark. […]

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Minister Sejaan Azzi: لقاءُ الحكومةِ طَعَنَ احتفالَ الأونيسكو

سجعان قزي



بموازاةِ البحثِ عن نظامٍ عالميٍّ جديدٍ، يَجري التفتيشُ أيضًا عن نظامٍ إقليميٍّ جديدٍ في الشرقِ الأوسطِ الكبير، ويَحصُلُ كذلك التنقيبُ عن نظامٍ لبنانيٍّ جديد. لكنَّ مُجرَّدَ النظرِ إلى البُنى الأولى لهذه الأنظمةِ الثلاثة، يَكشفُ هشاشَتها وصعوبةَ إنشائِها رغمَ جميعِ الحروبِ والتحوّلات التي سبَقَتها. السببُ العميقُ أنَّها ليست قائمةً على استراتيجياتٍ ثابتةٍ ولا على الثوابتِ التاريخيّةِ القديمةِ والحديثة. واللافتُ حتى الآن أنَّ الدولَ الكبرى تَسعى إلى إقامةِ هذه الأنظمةِ من دون عقدِ مؤتمراتٍ دُوليّةٍ خاصّةٍ بها خلافًا لما جرى عشيّةَ وضعِ أنظمةٍ عالميّةٍ وإقليميةٍ بعدَ الحروبِ والأزَماتِ الكبرى. إن دلَّ هذا الأمرُ على شيءٍ، فعلى أن الدولَ الكبرى ليست بعدُ متفاهمةً على مُجملِ هذه الأنظمةِ وتَنتظرُ تطوّراتٍ أمنيّةً وعسكريّةً تُساعدها على خِيار هذه الأنظمةِ الجديدة أو فِقدانِ التوازنِ العالميِّ والإقليميّ.

تَصعُب إقامةُ نظامٍ عالميٍّ جديدٍ من دون روسيا وضد الصين ومرتَكزٍ على “أَحَديّةٍ” أميركيّةٍ، خصوصًا أنَّ أميركا، رغمَ تَفوُّقِها العسكريِّ، تَجتاز أزْمةً وجوديّةً وتَحوُّلًا اجتماعيًّا مؤلـِمًا.

ويَتعذّرُ إنشاءُ نظامٍ إقليميٍّ جديدٍ مَبنيٍّ على إيران لأنَّ هذه الدولةَ الفارسيّةَ ليست جغرافيًّا وحضاريًّا ولغويًّا جُزءًا عُضْويًّا من العالمِ العربيِّ، وقلّما لَعِبت دورًا أساسيًّا في مِنطقةِ البحرِ الأبيضِ المتوسِّط، لاسيّما أنها تعاني اليوم من اضطراباتٍ أمنيّةٍ لا نَعرفُ حدودَها، كما أنَّ بسطَ النفوّذِ الإيرانيِّ يُثير تركيا وإسرائيل علاوةً على المملكةِ العربيّةِ السعوديّة.

ويُستَعْصى بناءُ نظامٍ لبنانيٍّ جديدٍ بمنأى عن الدورِ المسيحيِّ الطليعيِّ فيه. فمَهْما دارت الأمورُ سيَظلُّ الدورُ المسيحيُّ أساسيًّا في دولةِ لبنان أكانت مُوحَّدةً أم اتّخذَت شكلًا آخَر. إن محاولةَ عزلِ المسيحيّين أو سيطرةِ مكوِّنات أُخرى على قرارِهم ومناصبِهم وصلاحيّاتِهم لن تَمرَّ مرورَ الكرام. ومتابعةُ عمليّةِ تعطيلِ الانتخاباتِ الرئاسيّةِ يدفعُ إلى الاعتقادِ بأنَّ استحقاقَ انتخابِ رئيسٍ جديدٍ للجُمهوريّةِ أصبحَ لدى البعضِ تفصيلًا في ظلِّ بحثِ مكوّناتٍ لبنانيّةٍ عن نظامٍ آخَر وعن رئاسةٍ مختلِفةٍ. واستنادًا إلى مَرجِعٍ أوروبيٍّ مُطَّلعٍ، أكّد الرئيسان الأميركيُّ بايدن والفرنسيُّ ماكرون إثْرَ اجتماعِهما أوّلَ هذا الشهر للبابا فرنسيس أنَّ الوجودَ المسيحيَّ في لبنان غيرُ قابلِ المساومةَ رغم التسوياتِ الجارية في المنطقة.

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Civil groups file legal action to impose sanctions on ‘corrupt’ Lebanon politicians, bankers

by — The Depositors Union of Lebanon and Accountability Now have submitted a legal petition to the Council of the European Union, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the US Treasury requesting sanctions be imposed against ten Lebanese politicians, civil servants and banking executives who have failed in their public service mandates by pursuing their own private interests at the expense of the Lebanese people and state. A joint statement issued by the two groups on Monday said the request is in line with the European Union’s sanctions framework issued in July 2021, while the 120-page petition sets out the legal justifications for the sanctions. In July 2021, the European Union approved a legal framework for a body of sanctions targeting Lebanese individuals and entities that affect “those responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law in Lebanon.”

The sanctions include a travel ban that prevents the entry or transit of persons on the sanctions list through EU member states, as well as financial penalties. The joint statement said: “After a thorough and serious evaluation, the European Union is called upon to impose sanctions against individuals who have undermined the implementation of plans approved by the Lebanese authorities, with the support of relevant international actors, as well as those involved in financial misconduct with respect to public funds, so long as the acts involved are covered by the United Nations Convention against Corruption.” The statement added that theindividuals include current and former Lebanese MPs, members of the Council of Ministers, executives from private banks, and officials from the Central Bank of Lebanon.

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Lebanese film ‘Farah’ to release on Netflix

by — Lebanese film Farah, directed by Hassiba Freiha and Kenton Oxley, will release on Netflix. A project of Knockout Productions, Intuitive Features and MAD Solutions, Farah is set in Lebanon and stars Stephanie Atala alongside Majdi Machmouchi. The new psychological thriller explores themes of mental health, the role of big pharma, and the dynamics of a father-daughter relationship in modern Lebanon. The plot revolves around a pre-med student, Lina, who starts experiencing severe recurring nightmares, causing her to return home to Lebanon; a decision that sets her on a path to uncover a web of family secrets and ultimately a shattering truth. Farah puts a spotlight on the power of mind and body while delivering a cinematic journey depicting a collision between the modern Arab world and the region’s long-standing traditions.

Farah brings together a new generation of cast and crew shining alongside established household names. Stephanie Atala plays the role of ‘Lina’, the protagonist in Farah and performs a track in the film alongside UK music icon Boy George. Joining Stephanie in the role of Lina’s father is Lebanese powerhouse, Majdi Machmouchi, known for his roles in Esmoha La, In the Shadows of the City and Max w Antar alongside a range of notable television roles. The duo come together to depict a story that sheds light on Lebanon’s cultural revolution while posing challenging questions about inter-generational dynamics. Additional cast members include Nader Abd Alhay, Youssef Boulos, Pierrette Katrib, Janah Fakhoury, Josyane Boulos, Assaad Rechdan and Emirati director and writer, Hassiba Freiha herself.

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Lebanese Designers Exhibition held in London

By TAMARA TURKI — — LONDON: The Arab British Chamber of Commerce hosted the first Lebanese Designers Exhibition in London, celebrating the country’s culture and creatives with a variety of locally handcrafted artisan jewelry, clothing and art. The ABCC, established in 1975, aims to promote trade and investment between Britain and Arab countries. This exhibition focused on empowering Lebanese women by providing them with a platform to display their entrepreneurship in one of the world’s most famous shopping districts.

Rami Mortada, the Lebanese ambassador to the UK, described it as “an event of endurance against all odds.” Mortada said the designers displayed their worth with “defiance against all the circumstances prevailing in our country, Lebanon, and determination to never allow these hardships to take away the soul of the Lebanese people, which is a soul soaked in ingenuity and imagination.” Kuwaiti Ambassador to the UK Bader Al-Awadi, Algerian Ambassador to the UK Lounes Magramane and Saudi Arabian Cultural Attache Amal Fatani also attended the launch. Catching the eye of visitors was the display of LVNT, an online concept store curating products immersed in Levantine heritage and representing the best of the region’s handicraft.

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Mikati faces row over Lebanese Cabinet meeting on Monday

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi criticizes inability of parliament to elect president after 8 sessions

By Najia Houssari — — BEIRUT: Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has called for a Cabinet meeting on Monday to deal with urgent matters in the country. He announced the move during a speech at the inauguration of the International Arab Book Fair in Beirut. The move has outraged Christian blocs in the Lebanese ruling class which consider it an unconstitutional step and an attempt to bypass the priority of electing a new president. Some eight electoral sessions have failed to procure a new president and the leadership vacuum has entered a second month.

Mikati confirmed that he had called the Cabinet to convene to try and tackle problems which, he said, were deemed important by ministers. An agenda comprising 65 items has been issued, although Mikati pledged in a parliamentary session held about a month ago not to call a Cabinet session amid the presidential vacuum, unless everyone agreed to the move. The decision raised concerns among members of the Free Patriotic Movement. The party denounced the invitation, fearing that the resigned government will carry out prerogatives reserved for the president. In an attempt to reassure those who are skeptical, Mikati said more than 40 items could be excluded from the agenda. He said: “We will only approve the matters that are deemed important and urgent by ministers. “It disappoints me when some people consider the meeting a sectarian move or an attempt that targets a specific group. “Do we discriminate when we provide assistance? What is being said is unacceptable.” Mikati added: “There’s a file related to cancer and dialysis patients that should be approved. “What our Cabinet does is perform governmental duties to serve the citizens. Whoever has an alternative can propose it.”

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Iran reviews decades-old hijab law in bid to quell ongoing protests

Story by Ahmed Vahdat — — Iran is reviewing a decades-old law that requires women to wear a hijab, as authorities struggle to quell protests over the dress code that have been ongoing for more than two months. The hijab has become the subject of daily protests since the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody after she was reportedly arrested for wearing her headscarf incorrectly – Twitter President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday in televised comments that Iran’s republican and Islamic foundations were constitutionally entrenched, but that there were “methods of implementing the constitution that can be flexible”. It came a day after the country’s attorney general said parliament and the judiciary were reviewing legislation requiring a head covering. “Both parliament and the judiciary are working (on the issue)” and results will be presented “in a week or two”, said Mohammad Jafar Montazeri. The headscarf became obligatory for all women in Iran in April 1983, four years after the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the US-backed monarchy.

Hijab remains a highly sensitive issue

It remains a highly sensitive issue in a country where conservatives insist it should be compulsory, while reformists want to leave it up to individual choice. The hijab has become the subject of daily nationwide protests since the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody in September after she was reportedly arrested for wearing her headscarf incorrectly.

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Why is Saudi Arabia hosting one of the world’s biggest raves & Other news topics Iran Protests

By Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN — Electronic music, strobe lights, glittered faces and hundreds of thousands of people in mixed-gender gyrations are all part of a new kind of ritual in Saudi Arabia that didn’t exist just three years ago. The kingdom’s Soundstorm music festival, which began in 2019, is back again for its fourth year and will start on Thursday. In just five years since Saudi Arabia lifted its ban on musical events, the kingdom’s concert scene has arguably outshined even that of Dubai, long seen as the Gulf region’s premier entertainment hub. The country that has been better known as the birthplace of Islam than a rave capital has gone through a tremendous makeover since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (known as MBS) took control of the everyday running of the kingdom in 2017. Soundstorm is an eye-catching symbol of that change.

For three days every winter, hundreds of thousands of people from across Saudi Arabia and the region descend on a desert site outside the capital Riyadh to listen to some of the top Western and Arab acts . The rave is a manifestation of the ethos behind Saudi Arabia’s socioeconomic transformation, according to Anna Jacobs, a senior analyst at the Crisis Group think tank. “(It) is a particularly powerful example because it seeks to bring together young people and women from across Saudi Arabia and the world,” she said. David Guetta, Post Malone and Bruno Mars are just a few of the stars performing at this year’s event, which prides itself as being “the loudest festival in the region,” aiming to “amplify the unseen” as it supports local and international music in the Middle East. Tickets cost between 149 riyals (around $40) for a single day and 6,699 riyals (around $1,800 ) for a three-day VIP treatment. The festival reportedly welcomed 730,000 partygoers last year. By contrast, Las Vegas’ Electric Daisy Carnival, considered North America’s biggest dance music festival, had an attendance of over 400,000 this year.

An event like Soundstorm was inconceivable in the country just six years ago, when the notorious religious police would roam the streets and censure Saudis for mixing with the opposite sex or flouting social norms. But it is now part of a liberalization initiative spearheaded by MBS, the kingdom’s de facto ruler. It accompanies a series of steps to relax social rules, including lifting the ban on women’s driving and reining in the religious police.

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