
Rahi: Fears of a huge fall if forces fail to elect a new President of the Republic

NNA – Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, presided this morning over Sunday Mass service in Diman. In his religious homily, the Patriarch underlined that “dropping the new government formation issue cannot be accepted as it if were just a detail in the structure of the Lebanese state system, knowing that the Taif Agreement made the Council of Ministers, along with the Presidency of the Republic, the pivotal pillar and the center of the executive authority.” He added: “There is no value for appointing a new prime minister if it is not followed by cabinet formation…We are surprised that those involved in forming the government are belittling this matter, contrary to the Constitution and the Taif Agreement.” Al-Rahi stressed that “the formation of a new government is a sign of respect for the democratic system, ensuring the completion of the contract of constitutional institutions, the functioning of governance and the separation of powers, and the continuation of legitimacy through a government with full powers in the event of an obstacle, God forbid, with regards to electing a new President of the Republic.”

The Patriarch continued to consider that “the existence of a legitimate government gives the state the ability to negotiate with the Arab and international communities, to take decisions and sign treaties,” adding, “What we fear is that if the political forces are unable today to form a government, then tomorrow they will be unable to elect a new president…and hence the huge fall!” “But we hope and pray that it won’t happen…” he said.

Referring to the incident involving Archbishop Moussa al-Hajj, Patriarch al-Rahi considered that it constitutes a test of the extent of separating between religion and state. “Some were complaining about the interference of sects in the state, while the state attacked a constituent sect and a religious cleric, known for his piety and service to the people, who ought to have been respected by the state by preserving his movement between Lebanon and his parish…Instead, they fabricated an incident, turned it into a case, and organized media campaigns to distort the image of the Archbishop and the Church’s humanitarian and national mission…” He added: “We reaffirm that working with an ‘enemy country’ was never part of our culture, our spirit and our dignity. We are the first to respect and defend the laws, so we ask the authority to respect and abide by them. We are the first to respect and defend the judiciary, but we ask judges and judicial officials to respect the sanctity of the judiciary and liberate it from maliciousness and dependence on political and sectarian forces.”

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Three U.S. Cardinals Issue Statement in Support of Maronite Bishops Moussa el Hage

by — Three United States Cardinals, who serve as Honorary Chairs of the Religious Advisory Board for In Defense of Christians, express fraternal solidarity WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the three (3) U.S. Cardinals who lead the Roman Catholic Archdioceses of Washington, D.C., New York and Galveston-Houston join with their Middle Eastern counterparts in a statement of support for the Maronite Bishops and Archbishop Moussa el-Hage, O.A.M., Maronite Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Haifa and the Holy Land, and Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem, Palestine and Jordan. Archbishop El-Hage was recently arrested, detained and interrogated by Lebanese authorities upon returning from his Episcopal See in Haifa. Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Galveston-Houston Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, and New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan currently serve as Honorary Chairs of the Religious Advisory Board for the organization, In Defense of Christians. In Defense of Christians is the nonpartisan human rights and advocacy organization advocating for a Middle East in which the rights of every person are protected and respected regardless of religious creed, and in which ancient and diverse Christian and other religious minority communities of the Middle East thrive peacefully in their native lands.

Today, the three Cardinals, as the In Defense of Christians Religious Advisory Board Honorary Chairs, issue the following statement in support of the Maronite Bishops: “We join with His Eminence Béchara Boutros Cardinal Raï, the Maronite people, and others in the international community; we stand in fraternal solidarity with Archbishop Moussa el-Hage, O.A.M., Maronite Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Haifa and the Holy Land, and Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem, Palestine and Jordan.

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by — US envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Beirut Sunday to push talks to resolve a bitter maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel over Mediterranean waters with offshore gas fields. “Reaching a resolution is both necessary and possible, but can only be done through negotiations and diplomacy,” the US State Department said in a statement ahead of Hochstein’s visit. Washington’s envoy for global infrastructure and investment is “facilitating negotiations between Lebanon and Israel on the maritime boundary”, the statement added.

Hochstein met with Lebanon’s Energy Minister Walid Fayad on Sunday, and was scheduled to meet with President Michel Aoun and prime minister Najib Mikati the following day. The maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel escalated in early June, after Israel moved a production vessel to the Karish offshore field, which is partly claimed by Lebanon. The move prompted Beirut to call for the resumption of US-mediated negotiations on the demarcation dispute. Lebanon and Israel have no diplomatic relations and are separated by a UN-patrolled border. They had resumed maritime border negotiations in 2020 but the process was stalled by Beirut’s claim that the map used by the United Nations in the talks needed modifying. Lebanon initially demanded 860 square kilometres (330 square miles) of territory in the disputed maritime area but then asked for an additional 1,430 square kilometres, including part of the Karish field. Israel claims that the field lies in its waters and is not part of the disputed area subject to ongoing negotiations.

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Lebanese Face Long “Offensive” Queues To Buy Bread

By AFP —  In bankrupt Lebanon, Khalil Mansour has to queue for hours every day just to buy bread for his family, and some days he can’t afford it. In a country that was once nicknamed the “Switzerland of the Middle East” for its thriving banking sector before the financial crisis hit in 2019, the chronic lack of staples of the Lebanese diet was hard to bear. Lebanon defaulted on its national debt in 2020 and its currency has lost around 90 percent of its black market value.

The World Bank has branded the financial crisis as one of the worst since the 19th century, while the United Nations now estimates that four out of five Lebanese live below the poverty line. Faced with calls from international creditors for painful reforms in exchange for the release of new aid funds, the embattled government has been forced to end subsidies on most essential commodities — though not yet on wheat. The price of subsidized bread has increased, albeit less than without subsidies, but bakeries have started to ration staples. A bag of flat Arabic pita-like bread now officially sells for 13,000 Lebanese pounds (43 US cents). It costs more than 30,000 on the black market. “Last week I had to go three days without bread because I can’t afford to pay 30,000,” said Mansour, 48.

For Mansour and most Lebanese, buying bread means standing in long queues outside bakeries for hours, and sometimes by the time it’s their turn, the bakeries have run out of bread. “Today I queued for three hours, yesterday two and a half. What now?” Mansour said on Friday outside a bakery in Beirut. “I have to support my family. What else can I do?” asked Mansour, who earns the equivalent of $50 a month in a pastry shop.

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Lebanon doubts Ukraine claim of stolen grain on Syrian ship

By KAREEM CHEHAYEB — BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon appeared Friday to reject claims by the Ukrainian Embassy in Beirut that a Syrian ship docked in a Lebanese port is carrying Ukrainian grain stolen by Russia, following an inspection by Lebanese customs officials. A senior Lebanese customs official told The Associated Press that there was “nothing wrong” with the cargo of the Laodicea, which docked in the Lebanese port of Tripoli on Thursday, and that its papers were in order. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media. The controversy surrounding the ship has underscored how Lebanon, a tiny Mediterranean country bordering Syria, has been in the crosshairs of Russia’s months-long war in Ukraine. The Laodicea is carrying 5,000 tons of flour and 5,000 tons of barley that Ukraine’s Embassy in Beirut says was illegally taken by Russia. After the embassy raised the alarm, Lebanese authorities initiated an investigation. The Russian Embassy, meanwhile, has told Lebanese media that the Ukrainian claim was “baseless.”

The U.S. Department of the Treasury had sanctioned the Laodicea in 2015 for its affiliation with the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad. According to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Laodicea is among scores of vessels that Kyiv alleges transported grain stolen by Russia. An embassy statement Friday said the ship had turned off its AIS tracking system in the Black Sea for 10 days, after docking earlier this month in Russia-controlled Crimea’s port of Feodosia. There, the embassy said, it was “loaded with barley and wheat flour illegally exported from the territories of Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv and Kherson” in Ukraine — areas taken by Russia in the war.

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Protesters storm bakeries, pastry shops as Lebanon’s food crisis deepens

By Najia Houssari — — BEIRUT: Angry citizens on Wednesday stormed bakeries and pastry shops in Lebanon as the country’s food crisis deepened. Long queues formed outside many stores with residents waiting impatiently in searing heat for subsidized bundles of bread. As stocks and tempers ran short, many people opted to buy other bakery products, some priced at 40,000 Lebanese pounds ($1.5) for 10 thin loaves. Others vented their frustrations by taking to social media platforms, blaming politicians and bakeries for the problem while slamming mafia organizations for selling subsidized flour on the black market and smuggling it to Syria.

In some places, soldiers were forced to intervene, removing protesters from shops, and defusing heated arguments between queueing customers. Lebanese Economy Minister Amin Salam said: “Around 49,000 tons of wheat are expected to arrive in Lebanon by the end of this week. Hopefully the ships will arrive faster. The crisis is the result of flour being stolen from our country. “A crisis cell headed by the economy ministry will be formed and a new mechanism will be set up for distributing wheat and flour fairly, and prosecuting those creating the crisis.” Lebanon’s inability to secure US dollars to continue subsidizing medicines, wheat, and fuel, on Wednesday resulted in petrol prices rising by 14,000 Lebanese pounds to reach 617,000 pounds per 20 liters.

Georges Brax, a member of the gas station owners’ syndicate, said: “The central bank used to secure 100 percent of the US dollars needed to import fuel, according to its Sayrafa platform rate. Now it provides only 85 percent. The remaining 15 percent needs to be secured based on the black-market rate.” Fadi Abu Shakra, a representative of the union for fuel distributors and gas stations in Lebanon, said: “We keep going backward. If the issue is not resolved, I don’t know where we could be heading.” At its Wednesday meeting, a ministerial committee set up to address the repercussions of the financial crisis on public facilities and headed by caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, reiterated its previous recommendations to meet the demands of public sector employees, who have been on strike for more than a month, pending the approval of the 2022 budget and avoiding any burden on the state treasury.

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Minister Sejaan Azzi: مطرانٌ وموسى والحاجّ

سجعان قزي



كان يَنقُصُ غِبطةَ البطريرك بشارة الراعي أن يُحدِّدَ له بعضُ السياسيّين الوارثَي النعمة، والأحزابِ الحديثي العهد طبيعةَ علاقتِه بأبرشيّاتِه ودورِها. إذا بُلِيتُم بالجُبنِ فاسْتتِروا. الكمينُ الذي تَعرّضَ له المطران موسى الحاجّ ليس حادثًا بسيطًا وبريئًا. لم يُفتعَل لكي يُحَلَّ سريعًا. ولن يُحلَّ ذاتَ يومٍ من دون آثارٍ جانبيّةٍ وأضرار. والبطريركيةُ المارونيّةُ ليست قاضي تحقيقٍ لكي تُحدِّدَ المسؤوليّةَ الإسميّةَ عن نَصبِ الكمين. توجدُ مجموعةٌ حاكمةٌ بالتكافلِ والتضامنِ، أذْرعُها تَمتدُّ إلى جميعِ مفاصلِ الدولةِ ومؤسّساتِها وأجهزِتها وقُضاتِها وتَتوزَّعُ ارتكابَ الجُنحِ والجِنايات. وإذا لم تَكن هذه المجموعةُ وراءَ ما حَصلَ للمطران الحاجّ، فلتَتفضَّل وتَجِدْ حَلًّا فوريًّا للحادث وتَعتذر، وإلا تَدينُ نفسَها بنفسِها. لكن ما نَعرِفه هو أنَّ للحادثِ أبعادًا ترمي إلى التأثيرِ على مواقفِ البطريرك بشارة الراعي من عدّةِ قضايا، أبرزُها: انتخاباتُ رئاسةِ الجُمهوريّةِ، قيادةُ الجيش، حاكميّةُ مصرِف لبنان، تَسييسُ القضاء، سلاحُ حزبِ الله، مفاوضاتُ الطاقةِ مع إسرائيل، إلخ…

لا نَستَهْوِلنَّ هذه الروابط، فعلى وَقعِ هذا الكمينِ المدَبَّر، يريدُ البعضُ إسكاتَ صوت المعارَضة، وتحقيقَ أهدافٍ عدّةٍ في توقيتٍ محليٍّ وإقليميٍّ ودُوَليٍّ مليءٍ بالمفاجآت والتحوّلات. ولقد تَقصّدَ مُفتعِلو الحادثِ ربطَ مصدرِ المساعداتِ الماليّةِ والطِبيّةِ بواقعِ القطيعةِ مع إسرائيل لإحراجِ أطرافٍ سياسيّةٍ، فتُحجِمُ عن التضامنِ مع بكركي والمطران. هكذا، رأينا قياداتٍ مختلِفةً تلتزمُ الصمتَ، وأخرى تَتبرّأُ وتُزايِدُ، وأُخْرى تُسقِطُ حقَّها من المساعدات الآتيةِ إليها من أنسبائِها في إسرائيل.

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US support for Lebanese army proves effective

By Joseph Haboush, Al Arabiya English — As Lebanese soldiers communicated during a counterterrorism simulation, American troops stood on a hilltop in northern Lebanon to observe an operation that marked the culmination of a two-week training exercise. Around 60 US personnel from the Navy, Marines, Army and Coast Guard participated in Resolution Union 2022, an annual exercise between the two armies focused on maritime security operations, mine countermeasures and explosive ordnance disposal. The live-fire event saw various branches of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) integrate air, naval, and ground capabilities during the operation.

Three separate operations were carried out in the exercise: long-range fire on hostile and terrorist targets using various tanks; closing in on a building housing a senior terrorist leader using ground and air support; chasing down a boat that was believed to have been used for the terrorist leader to escape the raided building; visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) of a ship used for smuggling; a rescue operation of injured personnel on board the vessel during the VBSS; and helicopter missile fire at a target on land. “This is a pretty sophisticated performance,” one senior US military member told Al Arabiya English. “This takes a high level of professionalism and education.” The military official, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak, lauded the LAF as being “one of the more advanced armies in the region.” The US military is one of the top in the world in integrating different attack and defense methods. Now they are trying to help other countries do the same to counter drug trafficking and terrorism while working to integrate the air defense systems of more advanced militaries in the region.

Since 2006, the US has invested over $2.5 billion in the LAF, which has used this training and weaponry provided by Washington to defeat an extremist militant organization in the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in 2007 and become one of the first armies in the region to push ISIS entirely out of it borders in 2017. But there have been mounting concerns over the LAF’s ability to decide between war and peace, which the Iran-backed Hezbollah arguably has complete control over. Nevertheless, US support has continued to bolster the LAF and this has been observed as recently as this month when American lawmakers agreed to reroute US taxpayer funds to include “livelihood support” for Lebanese soldiers.

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FBI charges former Lebanese MP’s ex-bodyguard with gun smuggling

by – A bodyguard of Gebran Bassil, the leader of Lebanon’s Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and son-in-law of President Michel Aoun, has been charged by the FBI for gun smuggling. George Ajaltouni allegedly purchased weapons at gun shows and dealerships in Ohio and shipped them to Lebanon by hiding them in secret compartments in modified cars, according to an indictment reviewed by Middle East Eye. Between May 2011 and September 2014, Ajaltouni worked with another Lebanese man, Jean Youssef Issa, to send hundreds of firearms, mainly handguns, to Lebanon. Issa was recently arrested after a red notice was issued by Interpol. Ajaltouni, 47, is currently believed to be residing in Batroun, Lebanon, which is also the hometown of Bassil, who served as foreign minister from 2014 to 2020. The FBI has also released an indictment for Nakhle “Mike” Nader, a former Cleveland, Ohio, resident and acquaintance of Ajaltouni. Nader has been charged with four counts of income tax evasion related to various businesses he owned and operated in Ohio.

Mr Ajaltouni is also charged with naturalisation fraud after obtaining naturalisation and US citizenship in 2009 that he was not entitled to nor eligible to receive, according to the indictment. The indictments were filed between 2016 and 2019 but were unsealed on Tuesday. Shortly after their release, pictures appeared online of Bassil and Ajaltouni together at a table having drinks. A second image shows Ajaltouni shaking hands with Lebanese President Michel Aoun.

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