
Fragile truce takes hold in Nahr al-Bared

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Fragile truce takes hold in Nahr al-Bared

 A shaky truce in the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp that began on 4:30 p.m. Tuesday was still in place late in the day, following a morning of sporadic shelling of militant positions by the Lebanese army. The army insisted that it had not targeted civilians in its fight with Fatah al-Islam militants inside the camp and had only responded to hostile fire.

Civilians evacuated from the camp said that  Fatah al islam fighters had fired at army positions from the rooftops buildings in the camp.

The army reported no casualties in its ranks on Tuesday, after 31 soldiers were killed in the first two days of fighting and 55 were wounded.

While no verifiable tally of civilian casualties inside the camp was available, various sources within Nahr al-Bared said that dozens had died and at least 100 had been wounded.

The army reported Monday that 25 militants had been killed in the fighting. United Nations workers said that three residents were killed while attempting to collect supplies from relief trucks early Tuesday afternoon.

Soldiers are thoroughly searching all cars moving in the vicinity of the camp, a commander at the site said

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النائب الخازن اس

النائب الخازن اسف ل"بقاء لبنان مشرع الابواب للارهاب وللارهابيين"           رأى عضو كتلة التغيير والاصلاح النائب فريد الخازن، في حديث الى اذاعة "صوت لبنان"، "ان يد الارهاب تضرب لبنان من جديد وتضرب الجيش اللبناني في الشمال والمواطنين الآمنين في الاشرفية"، معربا عن أسفه ل"بقاء لبنان مشرع الابواب للارهاب وللارهابيين الآتين من […]

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DAY 3 – Lebanese army battles militants

DAY 3 – MAY 22nd

By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI, Associated Press Writer, TRIPOLI, Lebanon –

AP reporters at the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp said the massive exodus began at about 9 p.m. during the lull in the fighting between the Lebanese army and the Fatah el Islam militant group of Sunni Muslims. U.N. relief officials in another camp located a few miles to the south of Tripoli said they expected 10,000 Palestinian refugees from Nahr el-Bared to arrive through the night. AP Television News video from Nahr el-Bared earlier in the afternoon showed women clutching children and piling up in pickup trucks, some waving white flags, as they tried to leave the partially destroyed camp. Others fled on foot, and ambulances could be seen evacuating the wounded.

Artillery and machine gun fire echoed around a crowded Palestinian refugee camp Tuesday for a third straight day as the Lebanese government ordered the army to finish off Islamic militants holed up inside. Angry Palestinians burned car tires in two other refugee camps in an ominous sign that the trouble could spread across Lebanon. The fighting between the Lebanese army and the al-Qaida inspired group Fatah Islam has raised fears of a backlash among the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon’s other refugee camps, where Islamic extremists have been growing in influence.

At the Nahr el-Bared camp on the outskirts of the northern port of Tripoli, black smoke billowed from the area after artillery and machine gun exchanges between troops and militants.A cease-fire declared in the afternoon collapsed whithin an hour, when the terrorist group striked at the civilians cars and the amry. As a result fighting resumed between Lebanese troops and militants holed up in the camp.It was the third failed attempt at a truce. A convoy of U.N. relief supplies was hit in a third day of fighting Tuesday between Lebanese troops and an Islamic militant group holed up in a crowded Palestinian refugee camp.

Inside the city of Tripoli, security forces moved in against a suspected Fatah Islam hide-out in an apartment building, witnesses said. After receiving a tip about armed men in an apartment, shots rang out at midmorning as security forces raided the building using tear gas. The apartment was gutted when the army threw in hand grenades, but apparently no one was caught.

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DAY 2 Lebanese Army defesne Plan

DAY 2 – MAY 21 NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon (Reuters)  21 May- Lebanese tanks shelled Islamist militants in a Palestinian refugee camp on Monday and at least eight civilians were killed, raising the death toll in two days of fighting to 65, security sources said. Lebanese officials said one of the men killed in Sunday’s fighting […]

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Fatah al Islam and lebanese army

DAY 1 – May 20

TRIPOLI, Lebanon (AP) 20 May — Lebanese tanks pounded the headquarters of a group with suspected links to al Qaeda in a Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli Sunday after the northern city’s worst clashes in two decades killed 22 soldiers and 17 militants.The clashes between troops surrounding the Nahr el-Bared camp and Fatah Islam fighters began early in the morning shortly after police raided a militant-occupied apartment on a major thoroughfare in Tripoli and a gunbattle erupted, witnesses said. A senior security official said a high-ranking member of Fatah Islam, known as Abu Yazan, was among those killed. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Hundreds of Lebanese applauded as army tanks shelled the camp — a sign of the long-standing tensions between some Lebanese and the tens of thousands of Palestinians who took refuge from fighting in Israel over the past decades.

"We strongly back the Lebanese army troops and what they are doing," said Abed Attar, a resident of Tripoli who stood watching the tanks fire into the camp while others cheered.

The violence adds one more destabilizing factor to conflict-ridden Lebanon, in the midst of its worst political crisis between the Western-backed government and pro-Syrian opposition since the end of the 1975-90 Lebanese civil war. It underlines the difficulties facing authorities in dealing with pockets of insecurity across the country that are havens for militants. The clash between army troops surrounding the Palestinian refugee camp and fighters from the Fatah Islam militant group began after a gunbattle raged in a neighborhood of nearby Tripoli, witnesses said.

The militant group is an offshoot of the pro-Syrian Fatah Uprising, which broke from the mainstream Palestinian Fatah movement in the early 1980s and has headquarters in Syria. As many other small factions in Lebanon, Fatah Islam’s allegiance is sometimes questionable in this deeply polarized country.

Some Lebanese security officials consider that Fatah Islam is now a radical Sunni Muslim group with ties to al Qaeda, or at least al Qaeda-style militancy and doctrine. But some anti-Syrian government officials say they are a front for Syrian military intelligence aimed at destabilizing Lebanon. Syria has been fighting its own Sunni militancy, and has frequently battled with radicals striking in Damascus neighborhoods. Major Palestinian factions have dissociated themselves from Fatah Islam

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lebanese stands

In Rabieh, Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun held the Siniora government responsible for the fighting between the army and Fatah al-Islam. "A clear-cut decision ought to be taken so that violence does not spread to other parts of Lebanon or else terrorist attacks will start targeting innocent Lebanese civilians," he said.  In a […]

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Lebanese minister pleads for money and weapons

BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) — Lebanon’s economy minister on Monday asked for money and resources to help Lebanese forces battling members of an Islamic militant group in a Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli. "I take this opportunity to ask our friends all over the world — Arab governments and friendly Western governments — to help us both logistically and with military equipment," Minister Sami Haddad told CNN.

The militant group Fatah al-Islam, he said, is well-financed and heavily armed, but the army’s morale is high, and the government has public opinion on its side. "We can hold out, but the help I’m requesting will be very important in speeding up our eventual victory," he said. Haddad said "it’s no secret" that the Lebanese army could be in a better position to do battle, but he insisted Lebanese forces would ultimately win their fight at the Nahr al bared refugee camp.Militants from Fatah al-Islam began shooting at the forces, who returned fire, triggering clashes in the vicinity of the camp. Fighting continued into Monday, and according to Lebanese officials, at least 15 militants and 30 Lebanese soldiers were dead, and dozens more wounded.

President Bush on Monday expressed support for Lebanon’s democratically-elected government and its efforts to shut out the militant group. "Extremists that are trying to topple that young democracy need to be reined in. Certainly we abhor the violence where innocents die. And it’s a sad state of affairs when you’ve got this young democracy in Lebanon being pressured by outside forces," Bush told Reuters in an interview aboard Air Force One.

Bush, who has previously criticized Syria’s influence in Lebanon, stopped short of saying they were involved in the current violence.I don’t know about this particular incident. I’ll be guarded on making accusations until I get better information, but I will tell you there’s no doubt that Syria was deeply involved in Lebanon. There’s no question they’re still involved in Lebanon," he told Reuters.Syria denies instigating the violence in Lebanon.

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Explosion rocks Beirut, Verdun

BEIRUT (Reuters) – A bomb rocked a parking lot in the mainly Sunni Muslim district of Verdun in Lebanon’s capital on Monday wounding at least seven people, security sources and witnesses said. The explosion set cars ablaze and broke the windows of some buildings, they said. An army source said the bomb was placed either underneath or near a car.

A car which had been flipped onto its roof was ablaze as rescue workers raced to the scene near the Russian Cultural Centre.Glass and debris from surrounding buildings lay scattered across the street, which has several restaurants and clothing boutiques.

On Sunday, a woman was killed when an explosive device planted under a parked car detonated by a popular shopping mall in the mainly Christian east of the capital. At least 10 people were wounded by flying glass.The blast came as Lebanese troops battled Islamist militants at a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon for the second day on Monday. So far, 79 people have been killed in Lebanon’s bloodiest internal fighting since its 1975-90 civil war. Please click read more to view more photos, they are being added constantly/

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الخازن: الحكومة &#1580

الخازن: بعدها استقبل البطريرك صفير النائب الدكتور فريد الياس الخازن الذي قال: انا سعيد للقاء غبطة البطريرك وتداولنا معه في امور الساعة وهي امور كثيرة اكانت داخلية او اقليمية بسبب الترابط والتلازم بين ما يحصل في الداخل وما يحصل في الخارج على المستويين الاقليمي والدولي. 
اضاف: منذ عدة شهور كان البحث في لبنان والازمة مرتكزة على مسألتين المحكمة ذات الطابع الدولي والحكومة طبعا كنا نفضّل ان يكون مسار المحكمة يأخذ طريقا غير المسار الذي يأخذه الآن في اتجاه اقرارها في مجلس الامن، لكن هذا المسار هو ايضا يخص في محل ما مجلس الامن والمحكمة تتجه في هذا الاتجاه. لكن يبقى الموضوع الآخر والذي هو الموضوع الاساسي بالنسبة الى اللبنانيين وبالنسبة الى الازمة التي دخلت اليوم شهرها الخامس او السادس وهو موضوع الحكومة. 
ورأى الخازن انه وبعد ان اخذت المحكمة مسارها، قفزنا سريعا في اتجاه الكلام حول موضوع الاستحقاق الرئاسي لما له من اهمية لكن بين الاثنين هناك خمسة او ستة اشهر وفي خلال هذه المرحلة وهي طويلة جدا بالمقياس اللبناني، هناك حاجة ملحة جدا بالنسبة الى موضوع الحكومة للخروج من الازمة الراهنة، ولتشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية تستطيع القيام بالمهام المطلوبة منها من الآن وحتى الاستحقاق الرئاسي في حال حصل الاستحقاق الرئاسي، وهذا ما نتمناه، وهكذا يجب ان يكون، تكون هذه الحكومة مهّدت لهذا الامر وفتحت الطريق لمرحلة ما بعد الرئاسة، واذا لا سمح الله حصلت اي ازمة تستطيع الحكومة ان تتحمل مسؤوليتها وتحمي البلد، لكن الاعتقاد الموجود عند البعض بأن هذه الازمة ستستمر من الآن وحتى الانتخابات الرئاسية، وهذه مسألة طبيعية، وننتقل من وقت ضائع الى وقت ضائع آخر، برأيي هذا الامر يعرّض البلد لمخاطر كبيرة، ومن هنا ارى ان الحاجة والاولوية اليوم لتشكيل حكومة، ولا شيء مستحيلا لتشكيلها، بل بالعكس. 

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Explosion in eastern Beirut-witness

– An explosion was heard in eastern Beirut late on Sunday, a Reuters witness said.

BEIRUT (AFP) – A 63-year-old woman was killed and douzens of people wounded in an explosion late Sunday in the Christian quarter of Achrafie in Beirut, police and hospital sources told AFP. "A woman of 63, Leila Moqbel, died," following the explosion, a police officers from Lebanon’s interior security force (FSI) told AFP.Ten other people were wounded and taken to two hospitals in the district, said hospital sources.The incident came at the end of fierce fighting in northern Lebanon between the Lebanese army and a Palestinian Islamist group

"There was an explosive device either under a car or next to a car," the source said, adding it took place in the car park of a popular mall in a Christian district in east Beirut."There was a loud explosion here in east Beirut in Achrafieh next to Mar Mitr church and the ABC center, more exactly in an outdoor parking.. I can see a plume of smoke rising and people are going towards the area to see what happened," Reuters correspondent Tom Perry said.

Please click Read more to view picture of this horrific explosion

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