
Geagea directs stream of criticism at opposition

Monday, April 02, 2007

Geagea directs stream of criticism at opposition

BZUMMAR: Lebanese Forces (LF) leader   Samir Geagea said on Sunday that the only solution to Lebanon’s political crisis was to elect a new president and disarm all militias. "The position of president has been vacant and totally inefficient for the past 15 years and some armed groups in Lebanon have extensive external connections and were militarily a lot more powerful than the government, which is totally unacceptable," Geagea told a delegation of Casino du Liban employees who came to visit him at his residence in Bzummar.

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Aoun Predicts: No Presidential Elections On Time

Monday,April 02,2007

D4G48206.jpgFree Patriotic Movement Leader Michael Aoun has said the forthcoming Presidential elections in Lebanon will not be held according to the constitutional schedule.
Aoun made the remark in an interview screened Saturday evening by the NBN television network, an outlet advocating the Hizbullah-led opposition.

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Hizbullah: UN troops welcome in South

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Drapeau du Hezbollah  BEIRUT: Hizbollah’s number two said on Friday that the resistance group welcomes the presence of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) "as long as it abides by its missions and does not overstep its jurisdiction." In an interview with Sawt Ash-Shaab radio station, Sheikh Naim Quassem said that the presence of UNIFIL troops in South Lebanon "is welcome – provided that the peacekeeping force supports the Lebanese Army in preventing any armed presence and preventing Israel from attacking the South."

"Hizbullah does not have any problem with UNIFIL… [and] the relation remains positive," Qassem said.

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Olmert sees “revolutionary change” in Arab world

Friday,March 30,2007

Ehud Olmert JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Thursday there was a "revolutionary change" in the perception of Arab states toward Israel, Israeli media reported.

"There is a process here that the fighting in Lebanon (last year) has sharpened," Olmert was quoted as saying during a reception for his Kadima party.

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Arab leaders make no moves on Lebanon

Friday, March 30, 2007

Arab leaders make no moves on Lebanon

RIYADH: The Arab League summit in Riyadh failed to initiate any sort of Arab initiative – Saudi or otherwise – to help Lebanon solve its four-month-old political deadlock. Most speeches from various Arab leaders during the second and final day of talks overlooked the Lebanese crisis, with only Kuwaiti Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah urging Arab leaders to work on solving the deadlock and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh warning that Lebanese divisions "could have negative repercussions on the country."

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UN chief arrives in Lebanon and urges compromise

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon(C), flanked by two bodyguards, arrives to give a statement in Beirut. Ban called for dialogue and compromise to end Lebanon's most serious crisis since the end of the civil war in 1990.(AFP/Marwan Naamani)BEIRUT (AFP) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Beirut on Thursday and immediately called for dialogue and compromise to end Lebanon’s most serious crisis since the end of the civil war in 1990.

The UN chief, currently on his first official tour of the Middle East, will hold talks on Friday with Prime Minister Fuad Siniora and parliament speaker Nabih Berri, officials said.

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Abdullah criticizes Beirut protests, voices hopes for deal to end stalemate

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Abdullah criticizes Beirut protests, voices hopes for deal to end stalemate

RIYADH/BEIRUT: Prime Minister Fouad Siniora on Wednesday denied that the Arab summit would resolve Lebanon’s political crisis, but said that efforts by Saudi Arabia to push the Lebanese toward a compromise would continue. President Emile Lahoud, who is heading one Lebanese delegation to the summit while Siniora heads another, said on Wednesday that the summit should push for "unity among the Lebanese."

Lahoud was seated in the chair for the official representative of Lebanon on Wednesday, while Siniora was placed in an area allocated for senior guests.

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Rival teams to represent Lebanon

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud. File photo two rival delegations will represent Lebanon at this week’s Arab summit in Saudi Arabia, it has been confirmed. 

One will be led by President Emile Lahoud and the other one by Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

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Lahoud releases ‘official’ Arab summit roster

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lahoud releases 'official' Arab summit roster

BEIRUT: President Emile Lahoud on Monday announced the roster of the "official" delegation he will lead to the Arab League summit in Riyadh this week, as Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said there was "a chance" of breaking Lebanon’s political deadlock and urged rival groups to talk.

Lahoud will be accompanied in Riyadh by resigned Foreign Affairs Minister Fawzi Salloukh and resigned Environment Minister Yaacoub Sarraf.

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الخازن: فرصة حقي&#1602

المركزية – رأى النائب فريد الخازن اننا امام فرصة حقيقية للخروج من الازمة على قاعدة التسوية وعنوانها لا غالب ولا مغلوب. وطالب بقانون انتخابي لا يستهدف اي طرف سياسي او اي طائفة في لبنان مؤيدا الدوائر الوسطى او الصغرى. الاوضاع العامة في البلاد عرضها البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار نصر الله بطرس صفير مع زواره في الصرح […]

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