
Political opponents compete over love for Lebanon

Beirut, Jan 14 (DPA) The slogan ‘I love life’ is currently covering billboards around the Lebanese capital as the government and the opposition compete over who loves life and Lebanon more. It is a campaign used by the March 14 Coalition and has been countered by slogans from the opposition that read: ‘We love life without debt or outside interferences.’The billboards represent the competition between Lebanon’s government and its allies, and the opposition to show their love for Lebanon.’We love life with pride,’ reads a billboard for the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah. A few metres away, a large billboard pasted up by the forces that support the government of Premier Fouad Seniora says: ‘We want to live. We love life.’

Since Christmas, red-and-white posters were pasted up around Beirut proclaiming ‘I love life’ in Arabic, English and French in an apparent reaction to Hezbollah’s culture of martyrdom. ‘There is a group in Lebanon who advocate death and love war and they put the idea of military confrontation above any other consideration,’ said a follower of the government. ‘We are telling them not all the Lebanese back your views and we love to live.’  Said Hezbollah’s Zuheir Safieddine: ‘This is silly. The government forces think only they love Lebanon and they love life, but we tell them we love Lebanon to be free from political, social, financial debt.’Opposition follower George Aoun remarked: ‘We tell them (the government forces) that advertising never bought the trust of the people. Go invest in building constitutions and show goodwill in boosting the economic cycle.’

However, the billboards have angered some Lebanese who consider themselves neutral in the political crisis dividing the country. They criticise both sides for pulling the country into civil strife. One such critic is Najwa Baydoun, a Lebanese social worker.’Who are they (opposition and government forces) kidding? Human minds can be limited and blind sometimes, but they should not use the word ‘love’ in their political war,’ said Baydoun.

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Lebanese ban political talk to get back to work

By Michael Hirst in Beirut, Sunday Telegraph, Talking politics is normally a favourite pastime in Lebanon. But after a summer of war and an autumn of government in deadlock, Beirut’s shops, cafes and barbers have drawn a line under the heated national dialogue by banning all talk of current affairs on their premises.With the country’s inter-religious tensions at levels not seen since the bitter civil war of the 1980s, the outcome of the trial of strength between the government and the Hizbollah-led opposition is on everyone’s mind.But with little prospect of a swift resolution, and fed up with the custom lost due to a continuing six-week sit-in by Hizbollah protesters in central Beirut, many of the capital’s businesses now want a polite silence.

Banks have emailed staff requesting that they refrain from engaging in political conversation with customers, and some companies have gone as far as to block political websites from their computer systems."Signs are going up in shops, restaurants, nightclubs and even the backs of cars asking people to stop talking about politics," said Tarek Hamid, 42, who owns a boutique designer clothes shop in central Beirut. "If the politicians want to fight they should do it in the parliament and not go to the streets where they stop the people working."

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Cheikh Wadih el Khazen interview

إعتبر الوزير السابق وديع الخازن في حديث تلفزيوني اليوم أن الرئيس لحود منفتح على أية مبادرة تؤمن الإنفراج على صعيد الأزمة الحكومية لأنه حريص على الأمانة التي أولاه إياها الدستور اللبناني وهذه الأمانة تخوله الرجوع إلى الدستور في كلّ خَطوة يخطوها مما يجري فضلاً عن قلقه على الأوضاع الإقتصادية والمعيشية التي تطاول كلّ المواطنين بلا إستثناء.

ولفت أن مبادرة الرئيس الحص لا تبتعد كثيراً عن تفكير رئيس الجمهورية  من الناحية الدستورية حيث يُصِرّ على أن المحكمة الدولية هي من شأن رئيس الجمهورية بحسب المادة 52 من الدستور التي تخوله المفاوضة في عقد المعاهدات الدولية وإبرامها بالإتفاق مع رئيس الحكومة. كما أنه يؤكد في مبادرته على صوابية موقف الرئيس لحود من الحكومة اللادستورية واللاشرعية والتي لا يمكنه أن يستجيب لأيّ قرار أو مرسوم يصدر عنها بعد إستقالة وزراء الطائفة الشيعية الكريمة ذات الثقل التمثيلي الشعبي

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Saddam Hussein hanged at dawn in Baghdad

BAGHDAD, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) — Iraq’s ousted president Saddam Hussein was defiant and calm, refusing to have a hood pulled over his head while he was led the gallows shortly after 6 a.m. (0300GMT) on Saturday. Iraqi state-run television, al-Iraqia, released videotape of Saddam final moments before execution. The video showed Saddam, wearing a white shirt without a tie and a dark overcoat, being led to the gallows with a calm and defiant face and was chatting with his two masked hangmen who placed the noose around his neck. The Iraqi television later showed footage of Saddam in a white shroud lying with his neck twisted to one side at an awkward angle, with what appeared to be blood or a bruise on his left cheek. Before the rope was put around his neck, Saddam shouted: "God is the greatest. Long live the nation and Palestine is Arab," Sami al-Askari, the political adviser to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, told the Iraqi channel. The execution took place at an Iraqi army base in Kadhimiya, once was Saddam’s main military intelligence headquarters.

Vatican City, Vatican (AHN) – The Vatican on Saturday strongly condemned the execution of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and termed it ‘tragic’.In a statement issued by the Vatican press office, a Vatican official said: "An execution is always tragic news, reason for sadness, even in the case of a person who is guilty of grave crimes."Saying that the execution could trigger a wave of revenge, the official said, "There is a risk of setting off a wave of revenge and sowing new seeds of violence." The killing of the guilty was not the way to re-establish justice and reunite society, the spokesman said.

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Sfeir warns street protests can easily turn into mayhem

By Maroun Khoury, Daily Star, BKIRKI: Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir said Thursday that the protests currently taking place in Lebanon can very easily engender chaos. Speaking during a meeting with a delegation of residents from the Bekaa regions of Baalbek and Deir al-Ahmar, Sfeir said that "protests like these are unfortunately allowed in Lebanon and if we look around us, we can see none of the countries allow their citizens to do what the Lebanese are doing these days."

"Protests sometimes turn into mayhem, which we do not want," he added. The prelate said he hoped "Lebanon recovers its prosperity, security and peace."  The prelate also met with Reform and Change bloc MP Ibrahim Kenaan, who discussed with him the latest developments in the country.  "The current crisis needs a solution rather than political disputes," Kenaan said. "The opposition, our parliamentary bloc and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) stress the need to promote partnership and balance in the country through a true participation in authority," he added. The FPM member said that "this will be the starting point to a solution [to the current political deadlock]."

Praising the "declaration of principles" issued by the Council of Maronite Bishops earlier in the month, Kenaan said that "we should shift from an oral support for the declaration to a practical one." "All the Lebanese, especially the Christians, should put that declaration into effect," he said. Headed by Sfeir, the council issued a conciliatory statement earlier in December in which it provided for the divided Lebanese groups to follow to end the political crisis.

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Pope offers Christmas prayers for peace

By MARIA SANMINIATELLI, Associated Press Writer,  VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI marked Christmas with a call for an end to violence around the world and urged people everywhere not to lose sight of their need for God in an age of technological marvels.

Wearing shimmering gold vestments and a golden miter, the pontiff delivered his traditional "Urbi et Orbi" speech

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Lebanese judge files charges against 3 journalists for breaking into house

BEIRUT, Lebanon: A Lebanese judge filed charges Wednesday against three journalists accused of breaking into the Beirut apartment of a witness in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri, a judicial official said.Investigating Judge Elias Eid filed the charges against reporter Firas Hatoum, who works with the local New-TV station, as well as a cameraman and assistant, for breaking into and "tampering with criminal evidence" at the apartment of Mohammed Zuhair Siddiq, who is wanted in Lebanon in connection with the Feb. 2005 assassination of Hariri.

The three were detained Friday and officials said they would be moved to a suburban prison east of Beirut. The officials did not specify what condemnation the TV crew would face if found guilty.Siddiq, a Syrian, was freed from a French prison in February. The judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t allowed to give statements to the press, said a plain-clothed police agent had been observing Siddiq’s apartment and photographed Hatoum and his team breaking into the house through a window. The news editor of New-TV, Mariam al-Bassam, acknowledged Hatoum illegally entered the apartment. "The aim was to take pictures of the building from the outside, but Firas was encouraged by the owner of the building and others who told him he could enter the apartment," she told The Associated Press.

The witness was detained in Oct. 2005 when the U.N. commission investigating Hariri’s assassination recommended his arrest on grounds he give false evidence to investigators. Lebanese prosecutors have since charged him in absentia and want him extradited for giving false testimony to mislead the U.N. investigation and playing an indirect role in Hariri’s killing.

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