JERUSALEM (CNN)October 1, 2006 — United Nations peacekeepers Sunday denied Israel’s assertion that it had completely withdrawn all of its soldiers from southern Lebanon.UNIFIL spokesman Alexander Ivanko told CNN Israeli troops still control the border village of Ghajar.
Israeli military sources had previously said the final phase of withdrawal took place on Sunday, when the last Israeli soldier withdrew.When asked about the UNIFIL report, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed its forces are still operating near Ghajar and will continue to do so "until IDF, UNIFIL and the Lebanese army come to an agreement regarding the security arrangements in the area" Israel had already withdrawn most of the 10,000 troops that entered Lebanon during the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, which began July 12 when Hezbollah.
Israeli media had been reporting on Friday that the last Israeli forces would leave before the start of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, on Sunday night. Yom Kippur is one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar.The fighting between Israel and Hezbollah generally ceased after the August 14 passage of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which called for an international force in southern Lebanon.
daily star, sept 30, BEIRUT: More help from UN member states is needed to advance the investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri, the head of the UN probe, Serge Brammertz, said on Friday. Briefing the UN Security Council on his second report, which was issued Monday, Brammertz said the investigations have progressed but that there should be "continued backing" from the international community for the probe. He said that so far, most of the member states that the UN has asked for help or information have responded in a timely fashion, including Syria, whose cooperation Brammertz called "generally satisfactory."
Syria’s UN Ambassador, Bashar al-Jaafari, told the council Friday that the UN probe under Brammertz was being conducted "in a professional manner" and should be given "time and the necessary resources" to establish the truth without "politicization and false hypotheses." He said Damascus was fully committed to cooperate "as long as the investigation continues to be professional." As for the path of investigations and results reached, Brammertz said the UN probe "is satisfied with the progress made … but it still needs help and full support from UN member states on technical, legal and judicial matters relevant to the investigation."
HARISSA, Lebanon (AFP) Sun Sep 24, – Anti-Syrian Christian leader Samir Geagea scoffed at Hezbollah’s claims of victory in its devastating conflict with Israel, during a rally attended by tens of thousands. "We are the victors, and yet we do not feel it was victory but rather that a real catastrophe befell our country, and that our fate and destiny are at the mercy of the winds," said the Lebanese Forces (LF) leader and member of Lebanon’s "March 14" group Sunday.
Crowds flocked to a hilltop Maronite cathedral in Harissa in the Christian heartland north of Beirut, site of a giant statue of the Virgin Mary, for a mass and to hear Geagea speak at the rally staged as a memorial for "martyrs" of his party members killed during Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war.The Christian television network, LBC, close to the LF, said some 90,000 people were expected to flock to the scene, but an independent figure for the turnout was unavailable.
The rally came two days after Syrian-backed Shiite group Hezbollah held a giant demonstration in Beirut to celebrate "victory" in the July-August war with Israel."We are the victors because it was us who were demanding the (Lebanese) army’s deployment (in south Lebanon), backed by UNIFIL (peacekeepers), while they were opposed," said Geagea, without naming Hezbollah.
BEIRUT, Lebanon -Sept. 22 – By HUSSEIN DAKROUB, Hezbollah’s leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah made his first public appearance since his group’s war with Israel began July 12, taking the stage Friday at a rally by hundreds of thousands of his supporters in Beirut’s bombed-out suburbs. Nasrallah had called the rally to celebrate the "divine and historic victory" over Israel, and supporters packed a lot for an expected speech by the guerrilla leader.
The crowd
Iran’s Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on Friday warned Israel against any new attack on Lebanon or it would face unprecedented response. "The Lebanon issue is not over. Due to their shortcomings, the Israelis are still threatening sometimes, especially the military and the ruling party," Rafsanjani said, referring to the Kadima party headed by […]
But Western reactions to Muslim "days of anger" have followed a familiar pattern, too. Last winter, some Western newspapers defended their Danish colleagues, even going so far as to reprint the cartoons — but others, including the Vatican, attacked the Danes for giving offense. Some leading Catholics have now defended the pope — but others, no doubt including some Danes, have complained that his statement should have been better vetted, or never given at all. This isn’t surprising: By definition, the West is not monolithic. Left-leaning journalists don’t identify with right-leaning colleagues (or right-leaning Catholic colleagues), and vice versa. Not all Christians, let alone all Catholics — even all German Catholics — identify with the pope either, and certainly they don’t want to defend his every scholarly quotation.
One week before I left for Beirut, my family had dinner with my uncle who was visiting from Beersheva, Israel. Halfway through the evening, he turned to look at me. He put down his fork.
By Jonathan WrightReuters, BEIRUT (Reuters) – Abu Abbas, a car dealer from south Lebanon, has ready answers to the litmus-test question which has traditionally split his country down the middle — whether it should opt out of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Lebanon is an inseparable part of the Arab world, he says, and conflict with Israel is inevitable as long as any Arab land remains under Israeli occupation or Israel even exists.When I see Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank suffering every day, the victims of racism and destruction, I consider that to be an attack on all humanity," said the 30-year-old bachelor, who supports the Shi’ite Muslim movement Hizbollah.
Abu Abbas lives in the southern suburbs of Beirut, where hundreds of thousands of Shi’ite Muslims from the South have settled over the past three decades and where the Shi’ite guerrilla movement has a large and loyal following.Shi’ites say Hizbollah and its weapons are needed to defend Lebanon against Israel, but many disagree in a country where politics have always been shaped by sectarian divisions, which fueled a long civil war.Poorer than average, under-represented in the religion-based system which governs Lebanese politics but demographically on the rise, the Shi’ites feel empowered by the outcome of the one-month war between Israel and Hizbollah in July and August."The Divine Victory" and "A Victory from God" read the slogans on Hizbollah billboards along Hadi Hassan Nasrallah Avenue, a main street named for the eldest son of Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.Hadi died fighting the Israelis in 1997 and the slogans are a tribute to the family name, which means "God’s victory" in Arabic. Less than 2 miles away, in the middle-class Christian-dominated district of Ashrafiyeh, the mood is rather different after the latest round of conflict with Israel. Ashrafiyeh Christians now offer a more diverse range of opinions, reflecting the political divisions within the Christian community and their more modest ambitions.