BRUSSELS, Aug. 22 (Xinhua)AP — Lebanon has asked the Netherlands to contribute to the UN peacekeeping mission in the south of the country, by providing vessels to police its coast, Radio Netherlands reported Tuesday. Beirut wants Dutch naval vessels to patrol the coast to combat illegal arms shipments.Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh requested the assistance from […]
His friend, Nadia Khouri, a 32-year-old teacher whose salary has just been cut in half until further notice chimes in: "We have our whole lives ahead of us. We have to marry, find a house, make a family. We can’t hope to do that here. Lebanon is dead," she said.Mr. Hawwa plans to catch a ride to Syria sometime next week. Ms. Khouri has already applied online for jobs teaching English in Dubai.
Estimates of the number of Lebanese nationals who have already fled to neighbouring Arab countries run upwards of 250,000 — a staggering number in this nation of 3.5 million people.But as Lebanon reels from a month of punishing air strikes and braces for further fighting, government officials predict the exodus will swell to include hundreds of thousands more in the weeks and months to come.