Pls Click View Video to view the video of Karen El Khazen, during a prime on LBC. The video is 20 MB (4 min) You can view the video by using Windows media player. With a High speed internet connection the video should not take more then 3 min to completely open, with a dial […]
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2006 (RFE/RL) — UN Security Council Resolution 1559 made in 2004 calls for a withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon and the disarming of the country’s militias. Syrian forces have pulled out, but UN special rapporteur Terje Roed-Larsen noted in his April 18 report that the provision calling for "the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias" has not been "fully implemented."
The report refers to Hizballah as "the most significant Lebanese militia," and it adds that "there has not yet been any noticeable change in the operational status and capabilities of Hizballah." Referring obliquely to the influence of Iran and Syria on Hizballah, the report adds, "a dialogue with parties other than the Lebanese authorities is indispensable" in the pursuit of disarming and disbanding the militias.