President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday the Lebanese Hizbollah is a symbol of pure thought of Islam in Lebanon and at the forefront of the Islamic world. Ahmadinejad made the remark in a meeting with leader of Lebanese Hizbollah Sheikh Hassan Nasrollah who is currently here on an official visit. “Success, victories and progress of this popular and faithful force in political, cultural, social and military domains of Lebanon are results of purity and reliance on God’s will which should be preserved and institutionalized as the main factor in the fight against enemies of Islam,” he said. Terming Lebanon’s Hizbollah as a very respectful and dear organ for the Islamic ummah (nation), Ahmadinejad said, “Hizbollah as an intelligent and smart force lies in the hearts of world Muslims. “The Islamic world, particularly the Iranian nation are following up with keen interests and sensitivity the developments in Lebanon as well as Hizbollah’s stance and role in this regard.” The president-elect stressed the permanent relationship between the Iranian and Lebanese nations. He referred to recent presidential election in Iran as a Divine blessing and a great victory for the Islamic system and a symbol of the Iranian nation’s strength. Nasrollah, for his part, called his visit to Iran as a chance to convey the congratulatory message of the Lebanese nation to the president-elect on his election as Iran’s president. Terming the recent presidential election in Iran as very significant event, he felicitated the Iranian president-elect on his election to the post.