Lebanon opposition to set up committee to save polls – News Update
BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s anti-Syrian opposition agreed to draft joint lists to bolster Christian representation in legislative polls later this month, in a bid to patch up differences that threatened the elections.
The move came a day after the powerful Maronite Church warned that a Syrian-tailored 2000 electoral law used in the last polls would marginalize the large minority of Christians and upset Lebanon’s delicate religious co-existence.
“We have decided to call a meeting of the heads of opposition factions to draft joint electoral lists … to contain the flaws of the (2000 electoral) law imposed by the Syrian-Lebanese security authorities,” a statement said.
The opposition also accused Syria, which officially completed a troop withdrawal from Lebanon April 26, of “continuing to intervene in Lebanon … through allies in order to jeopardize the democratic process” in the country.