
Before Aoun’s ‘tsunami,’ a wilderness of suspicions

Before Aoun’s ‘tsunami,’ a wilderness of suspicions

By Michael Young
Daily Star staff
Thursday, May 05, 2005

So Michel Aoun returns this weekend, promising a tsunami, as he recently put it. It was typical that he failed to see, in the shadow of the East Asian killer wave, the inelegance of those words. The general surfs in on a swell of ambition, the kind that reportedly makes him believe he can cut a deal with President Emile Lahoud, to better dispose of him once Aoun is inside the walls.

Events in the past days have been confusing, even by the tortuous standards of Lebanese political life. No one has come out looking good. What is going on? Depending on which side you hear, fragments of narratives are emerging. For a confederacy of Christian former Syrian allies, at the top of which stands Lahoud, but also Deputy Parliament Speaker Michel Murr, his son Elias, the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, and others, the controversial agreement last week that the election law of 2000 would govern the forthcoming elections at the end of May was a case of Christians being stabbed in the back. They underline, probably with some merit, that the deal came following an alliance between Walid Jumblatt, Saadeddine Hariri, Amal and Hizbullah.

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Lebanon suspends warrant for returning opposition leader Aoun

Lebanon suspends warrant for returning opposition leader Aoun

BEIRUT (AFP) – A Lebanese court suspended an arrest warrant against exiled Christian opposition leader Michel Aoun, paving the way for his return from France which many fear could disrupt Lebanon’s fragile political structure.

The court also decided to delay a ruling in a 2003 case against Aoun, who is due to return to Beirut on Saturday, over comments that were deemed to have damaged Lebanon’s relations with Syria.

“The criminal court of Beirut decided to freeze the arrest warrant issued in absentia against General Aoun on October 24, 2003, as well as its terms, and to postpone a verdict in this case until July 5, 2005,” a judicial source said Thursday.

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Pope Taps Cardinal to Stand in at Ceremony

Pope Taps Cardinal to Stand in at Ceremony

By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI has designated a cardinal to stand in for him at a beatification ceremony later this month in a shift from his predecessor who declared more “blesseds” and saints than all his predecessors over the past 500 years combined.

The head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, will celebrate the Mass on May 14 to beatify a Franciscan nun who worked in Hawaii and the co-founder of a missionary society in Spain.

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Court Clears Anti-Syrian Lebanese Official

Court Clears Anti-Syrian Lebanese Official – Last Update

By HUSSEIN DAKROUB, Associated Press Writer

BEIRUT, Lebanon – Fourteen years after former Lebanese army commander Michel Aoun was whisked out of the country into exile, his army overrun by Syrian forces, the judiciary began clearing him Wednesday of criminal charges as he prepared to return a triumphant politician.

Opposition demonstrators, meanwhile, demanded freedom for another Christian leader, Samir Geagea. His imprisonment and Aoun’s exile long have been open wounds for Lebanon’s minority Christians.

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Lebanon PM Mikati visits Damascus

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati is visiting Damascus on his first trip abroad since he was appointed.

By Kim Ghattas – Wednesday, 4 May, 2005
BBC News, Beirut

The visit comes a week after the official completion of Syria’s withdrawal from Lebanon, ending a 29-year-long military presence.

Mr Mikati, a moderate pro-Syrian legislator, was appointed after weeks of political stalemate following the assassination of ex-PM Rafik Hariri.

His death was blamed by many on Damascus, which denied the accusations.

Relations between Syria and Lebanon have been tense, and anti-Syrian sentiments have run high in Beirut.

So there has been some criticism about Mr Mikati’s choice of destination for his first trip abroad.

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El Khazen Wakf – Part 2 (Arabic)

أوقاف ألعائلة ألخازنية على غير طوائف

ألجزء ألثاني :


1– دير عينطوره : في سنة ١٦٥٢ سكن الرهبان اليسوعيون في قرية عينطوره وكانت سكناهم في المحل

الذي اعطاهم اياه الشيخ ابو نوفل وهو دير مار يوسف (دويهي المقاطعة والكسروانية).


2– دير مار انطونيوس حريصا: اوقفه الشيخ سنتو الخازن ابن فياض مع ما جاوره من الاملاك سنة ١٦٨١ (المقاطعة الكسروانية ص ٧٤).


3– دير البشاره في الذوق للروم الكاثوليك: وهب الموضع الشيخ موسى طربيه الخازن سنة ١٧١٩ الى سبع عذارى حلبيات من طائفة الروم الكاثوليك، فبُني فيه الدير بمساعدة الاباء اليسوعيين

(المفصل ٥١١).

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El Khazen Wakf – part 1 (Arabic)

اوقاف ألعائلة ألخازنية على الطائفة المارونية

ألجزء ألأول :

١– دير طاميش: شيده المطران جبرايل البلوزاوي ١٦٧٣ واعتنى به الشيخ ابو نوفل الخازن واولاده
كما يظهر من خط كان منقوشاً على عتبة باب الدير القديمة.
٢– عين ورقة: جاء في المقاطعة الكسروانية بتاريخ ١٦٨٤، وقيل ان خازناً كان شرع في بناءٍ ودارٍ
عظيمين في سفح جبل معراب وعقب مصرعه اعطاها اخوه فياض الى القس جرجس اسطفان الذي
جدد دير عين ورقة ١٦٩٠.
٣– دير مار شعيا : اوقف المشايخ هيكل وضرغام ودهام وصخر وحصن الخازن اولاد ابي قنصوه
املاكهم في ضهر حسين المشترى من الدروز على الرهبنة الانطونية بموجب صك سنة
١٧٠٠ (تاريخ الرهبنة الانطونية).

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Lebanon bids farewell to Syrian Army

Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati prepares for May elections, central bank issues CDs Locals cheered as the last Syrian soldiers rolled out of Lebanon after 29 years of occupation four days early on April 26. However, local business leaders still reeled from the events of the past three months, which drained employers of cheap Syrian labor, as expats returned with the military and tourism revenues plunged. The Lebanese Parliament made a strong effort towards building up legitimacy as quickly as Syria tore down its last outposts and burned its paperwork. President Emile Lahoud appointed business tycoon Najib Mikati prime minister-designate with the mandate of quickly organizing parliamentary elections. The interim government also raised $1.64 billion through ten-year Central Bank dollar certificates of deposits, while increasing rates on deposits on Lebanese pounds to discourage dollarization.

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The Khazens and the Shihabs (1697-1840)

The Khazens and the Shihabs (1697-1840)


In September 1696 Emir Ahmad Maan died with no heir ending the Maans rule of Mount Lebanon. The Shihab Emirs succeeded the Maans and in 1697 Emir Bashir Shihab I, nephew of Emir Ahmad Maan, came to power. After his death in 1706 he was succeeded by Emir Haydar who was deposed by the Yemenite originated families in Mount Lebanon after their rebellion against his rule appointing Emir Youssef Alam el Din as new ruler. As a result he fled to Azraeel cave in Hermel , hiding from the rebellions and sent his family members to the Khazen Cheikhs who hided them in their villages in Keserwan taking care of their needs , protecting them and sending him arms and ammunition and in addition, giving him important information and advices .
In 1754 Emir Melhem Shihab resigned due to his illness. Supported by the mountain Cheikhs, Emir Milhems two brothers Emir Mansour and Emir Ahmad succeeded him to govern dually Mount Lebanon. Later emir Ahmad was obliged to give up his rule after the loss of the Cheikhs support and Emir Mansour became the sole ruler of the mountain.
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