
Let us all pray that the soul of our Father Pope Jean-Paul II may rest in peace

In event of the sad demise of our holy father , the pope , this website will not be updated for the next three days (until april 5 th exept for news related to the Pope). Let us pray for the repose of the soul of our pointiff, our father the Pope Jean Paul II. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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Vatican Says Pope John Paul II Dies at 84

By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer VATICAN CITY – Pope John Paul II, the Polish pontiff who led the Roman Catholic Church for more than a quarter century and became history’s most-traveled pope, died Saturday night in his Vatican apartment. He was 84.  The announcement came from papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls and was distributed to journalists via e-mail. “The Holy Father died this evening at 9:37 p.m. (2:37 p.m. EST) in his private apartment. All the procedures outlined in the apostolic Constitution `Universi Dominici Gregis’ that was written by John Paul II on Feb. 22, 1996, have been put in motion.” A Mass was scheduled for St. Peter’s Square for Sunday morning. The pope died after suffering heart and kidney failure following two hospitalizations in as many months. Just hours earlier, the Vatican said he was in “very serious” condition but had responded to members of the papal household.

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Lebanon polls in danger, nine wounded as bomb blight returns

BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s pro-Syrian forces went on the counter-attack against the opposition with a demand that could delay elections due in May, as the country was shaken by another bomb attack.Prime minister-designate Omar Karameh, at a meeting late Friday with his pro-Syrian allies, decided to stay on, despite having failed over the past three weeks to form a new government to ease Lebanon’s political crisis. Karameh, who said Tuesday he would resign, was tasked with forming a cabinet “to save the country”, following the opposition’s refusal to join a national unity government, said parliament speaker Nabih Berri. He said the new government would draw up an electoral law based on larger constituencies and proportional representation, changes favouring the pro-Syrian camp.

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The Khazen family Bishops and Archbishops

ألمطارنة وألأساقفة من آل ألخازن

المطران ميخائيل حرب الخازن

هو ابن نادر، ابن ابي النصر علم، ابن ابي نوفل نادر، ابن ابي نادر خازن، ابن ابراهيم ، ابن الشدياق سركيس الخازن، ارتسم اسقفاً على قيسارية فلسطين (شرفاً) من يد البطريرك يوسف اسطفان في ١٥ ت٢ ١٧٦٧، اقيم قيمقائماً بطريركياً في ١٧ تموز ١٧٧٩ مدة توقيف البطريرك يوسف اسطفان اي نحو خمس سنوات وكان بالوقت ذاته يدير ابرشية دمشق، كتب الى المجمع المقدس بتاريخ ١٥ آذار ١٧٨٦. توفي بعد ذلك بقليل ودفن في رام بودقن.
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Five wounded in bomb attack, Lebanon’s political crisis drags on

BEIRUT (AFP) – Five people were wounded in the latest bombing of a Christian area of Lebanon, police said, as prime minister-designate Omar Karameh reversed a decision to step down.  Against a backdrop of political crisis since the February 14 assassination of former premier Rafiq Hariri, the bombers carried out a fourth strike on a Christian area in less than two weeks. The latest attack came at 9:45 pm (1845 GMT) in an underground parking lot of the Rizk shopping and residential complex in the mountain resort of Brumana, an opposition stronghold 20 kilometres (13 miles) east of Beirut. About a dozen cars were destroyed in the blast, which caused heavy material damage, television pictures showed. The eight-storey centre contains a branch of the Mediterranean Bank, owned by the Hariri family.

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Vatican: Pope John Paul II Is Near Death

By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer  VATICAN CITY – Pope John Paul II was near death Saturday, his breathing shallow and his heart and kidneys failing, the Vatican said. Millions of faithful around the world knelt, crawled on their knees, bowed their heads and lit candles to pray for the 84-year-old pontiff.“This evening or this night, Christ opens the door to the pope,” Angelo Comastri, the pope’s vicar general for Vatican City, told a crowd at St. Peter’s Square, where up to 70,000 people prayed and stood vigil in the chilly night. Wrapping themselves in blankets, many tearfully gazed at John Paul’s third-floor windows, where the lights remained on early Saturday. The Vatican said Friday morning that John Paul was in “very grave” condition after suffering blood poisoning from a urinary tract infection the previous night, but that he was “fully conscious and extraordinarily serene” and declined to be hospitalized.

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Pope Appears Close to Death After Heart Failure

By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope John Paul appeared close to death on Friday after heart failure, the Vatican said, sparking an outpouring of emotion and anxiety around the Roman Catholic world.

Spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the 84-year-old Pope had received the “Holy Viaticum” communion, reserved for those near death, and had told his aides he did not want to return to hospital for treatment.

A Vatican statement said the Pope was still “conscious, lucid and tranquil” and had taken Mass as dawn broke, but senior clergy indicated his life was ebbing away.

“He is fading serenely,” Polish Cardinal Andrzej Maria Deskur, a close friend, was quoted as saying by Agi news agency. A new health bulletin was due at around 5:30 a.m.-6 a.m. EST, after the Vatican angrily dismissed as “rubbish” Italian media reports that the Pope was in a coma.

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Vatican: Pope Getting Nutrition From Tube

Our prayers are constantly with his pointiff By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer  VATICAN CITY – Pope John Paul II is getting nutrition from a tube in his nose, the Vatican said Wednesday, shortly after the frail pontiff appeared at his window in St. Peter’s Square and managed only a rasp when he tried to speak.  Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the step was taken to “improve the pope’s calorie intake” and so he can recover his strength. It was unclear when the tube was inserted but it was not visible when John Paul made his appearance. The tube is not the only source of nutrition for the pope, a Vatican official said on condition of anonymity. Asked about reports of a possible hospitalization, the official said there were no plans at this time and any decision would be up to his doctors.

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PM stalls on resignation as Lebanon political deadlock grinds on

BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s pro-Syrian prime minister-designate Omar Karameh has stalled on his plan to resign in the latest setback for efforts to form a new government to organise elections due in May.  The opposition, meanwhile, welcomed Syria’s pledge to the United Nations on Wednesday to complete a troop withdrawal from Lebanon ahead of the parliamentary polls. Karameh said he first needed to consult his allies in the pro-Syrian camp before giving up on efforts to form a national unity government in the wake of the February 14 assassination of former premier Rafiq Hariri. “I have informed Mr Lahoud that I am preparing to announce my decision,” he said after talks with President Emile Lahoud.

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