
Passing Freedom’s Torch

Saturday, July 10, 2004

By Oliver North

One of the most poignant moments to occur in the U.S.-led global War on Terror occurred when National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice passed a note to President George W. Bush during the recent NATO conference in Turkey.

Her message informed him that Iraq was once again a sovereign nation. He smiled and instinctively wrote, “let freedom reign,” and passed it back. Those three words say a lot about the man and the country he leads.

Two hundred and twenty-eight years ago, a committee of five patriots, headed by a farmer from Virginia, prepared the final draft of a radical document. On the morning of July 4, they presented the results of their work to the body that had set them to the task: the Second Continental Congress.

The larger group made just 86 changes in Thomas Jefferson’s (search) “fair draft” and then, pledging “to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor,” all 56 members signed their names to this Declaration of Independence (search). In so doing, they created something that was then unique on the planet earth: a country based on the concepts of individual liberty, private property and democratic government. Since then, the people of this nation have taken great risks to offer others the hope of that same freedom.

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A Sovereign Iraq: Now, the Hard Part

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

By Patrick Basham
In the 1920s, Winston Churchill (search) described Iraq as an ungrateful volcano. President Bush, who keeps a bust of Sir Winston in the Oval Office, probably agrees with Churchill

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Knowing the Enemy

By Col. Oliver North

The ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu (search) taught his men to “know your enemy” before going into battle. For if “you know your enemy and know yourself,” he wrote, “you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”

But, Sun Tzu warned, “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”

In my 22 years as an officer of the Marines

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NOTE SUR LES SAVANTS MARONITES 17 Janvier 1618. Le 17 janvier 1618, le Roi de la ville de Paris pour le bien de son peuple, a voulu prendre

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Results of the Revolution

ما جاء عن الثورة في المقاطعة الكسروانية لما يئس القائمقام الأمير بشير احمد من الرجوع الى وظيفته استشار محازبيه واولهم الياس المنيّر من ذوق مصبح واستقر الرأي على تهييج اهالي كسروان ضد المشايخ بقصد رفض تسليط عموم المشايخ وحصر السلطة في واحد منهم لا غير (مطلب عادل وحق) فحسن الأمر للعموم ولاقى تأييداً كبيراً وانحاز […]

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