
Official results of the Lebanese Parliamentary elections 

by Malek el Khazen —

1- Today Hezbollah and Amal plus their close allies such as Jamil el Sayyed, Azar and others form a total of 43 Member Parliament’s (MP’s) out of the 128 MP’s seats in the Lebanese Parliament. This is without counting the MP’s from the Tayyar (Free Patriotic Movement). The Hezbollah-Amal coalition represent 1/3 of the parliament. This is an increase of approx 12 MP’s from last parliamentary election. This means no major laws can pass without the support of Hezbollah and Amal to these laws. They control 27 of the 28 Chi’a MP position in the Lebanese Parliament.  And possibly the only Chi’ite MP that was elected outside of their list will soon join them (he met today with Amal leader). 

2- The Lebanese-Forces have done very well for their party, but in terms Lebanese control, Hezbollah and Amal are the big winner. Now the Amal coalition is asking for the Ministry of Finance to be always assigned to a Chi’a – What is next?

3- The Future Movement under the leadership of PM Hariri and the Free Patriotic Movement under leadership of Bassil had disappointing results to say the least. Both parties are in power, in all of the different branches of the Lebanese Government and they did not have clear decisive wins. The resources of many candidates that was running against them were extremely limited compared to the resources that they had access to. For example, some of the resources owned by the FPM and Future movement: TV and Radio Stations in addition to major internet sites and newspapers. Finally, they were still part of the government, and had access to many Lebanese institutions supporting them. While others had limited resources compared to their power and still were able to win.  Whoever says that they were able to keep their representation at the same level as it is today or have a majority of Member Parliament together is not looking at the correct picture accurately. Other parties have expanded their reach dramatically by more than 30% while they are stagnating (FPM) or diminishing (Future movement) 

4- The diaspora really need to take  the next elections seriously, this will be the only hope for a real change. A reminder, there is over 15 million Lebanese live in the diaspora. Just imagine if only 1 million register what type of changes can be made! But if Hezbollah and Amal or other parties decide to stop supporting diaspora voting  then the future is grim. 

Below is the list of MP that won the Parliamentary elections by districts 

From the961

Beirut I

  • Antoine Pano (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Paula Yaacoubian (Sabaa)
  • Jean Talouzian (pro-March 14)
  • Imad Wakim (Lebanese Forces)
  • Nadim Gemayel (Kataeb)
  • Nicolas Sehnaoui (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Alexander Matosian (Tashnag)
  • Hagop Terzian (Tashnag)

Beirut II

  • Saad Hariri (Future)
  • Tamam Salam (Future)
  • Rola Al Tabsh Jaroudi (Future)
  • Nouhad Machnouk (Future)
  • Nazih Najem (Future)
  • Faisal Al Sayegh (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Amin Cherri (Hezbollah)
  • Adnan Traboulsi (Ahbash)
  • Mohamad Khawajah (Amal)
  • Edgar Traboulsi (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Fouad Makhzoumi (independent)

Bekaa I

  • Cesar Maalouf (Lebanese Forces)
  • Georges Okai (Lebanese Forces)
  • Michel Daher (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Salim Aoun (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Anwar Jomaa (Hezbollah)
  • Assem Araji (Future)
  • Eddy Demirjian (independent)

Bekaa II

  • AbdelRahim Murad
  • Mohamad Nasrallah (Amal)
  • Elie Firzli (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Mohamad Alkaraawi (Future)
  • Wael Abou Faour (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Henry Chedid (pro-Future)

Bekaa III

  • Ihab Hamadeh (Hezbollah)
  • Jamil El Sayed
  • Al Walid Sukkarieh (Hezbollah)
  • Albert Mansour
  • Ali Mokdad (Hezbollah)
  • Ghazi Zeiater (Amal)
  • Hussein Hajj Hassan (Hezbollah)
  • Ibrahim Al Moussawi (Hezbollah)
  • Hussein Al Solh
  • Antoine Habchi (Lebanese Forces)

Mount Lebanon I

  • Moustafa Al Husseini
  • Ziad Hawat (Lebanese Forces)
  • Chawki Daccash (Lebanese Forces)
  • Farid Haykal Al Khazen
  • Simon Abi Ramia (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Neemat Frem (independent)
  • Chamel Roukoz (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Roger Azar (Free Patriotic Movement)

Mount Lebanon II

  • Samy Gemayel (Kataeb)
  • Elias Hankash (Kataeb)
  • Ibrahim Kanaan (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Edgar Maalouf (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Elias Abou Saab (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Hagop Pakradounian (Tashnag)
  • Eddy Abi Lamaa (Lebanese Forces)
  • Michel El Murr (independent)

 Mount Lebanon III

  • Fadi Alameh (Amal)
  • Ali Ammar (Hezbollah)
  • Alain Aoun (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Hekmat Deeb (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Pierre Bou Assi (Lebanese Forces)
  • Hadi Aboul Hosson (Progressive Socialist Party)

Mount Lebanon IV

  • Taymour Jumblatt (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Marwan Hamadeh (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Akram Chehayeb (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Nehmeh Tohme (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Naji Boustani
  • Henri Helou
  • Bilal Abdallah (Progressive Socialist Party)
  • Mohammad Al Hajjar (Future)
  • Georges Adwan (Lebanese Forces)
  • Anis Nassar (Lebanese Forces)
  • Mario Aoun (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Cesar Abi Khalil (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Farid Boustani (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Talal Arslan

 South I

  • Ousama Saad
  • Ibrahim Azar
  • Bahiya Hariri (Future)
  • Ziad Aswad (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Salim Khoury (Free Patriotic Movement)

South II

  • Nawaf Moussawi
  • Innaya Ezzeddine (Amal)
  • Hussein Jashi (Hezbollah)
  • Ali Khreiss (Amal)
  • Nabih Berri (Amal)
  • Ali Osseiran (Amal)
  • Michel Moussa (Amal)

South III

  • Hasan Fadlallah (Hezbollah)
  • Ali Bazzi (Amal)
  • Ayoub Humayed (Amal)
  • Mohammad Raad (Hezbollah)
  • Yassin Jaber (Amal)
  • Hani Kobeissi (Amal)
  • Kassem Hashem
  • Ali Hassan Khalil (Amal)
  • Ali Fayad (Hezbollah)
  • Anwar Khalil (Amal)
  • Asaad Herdan (Syrian Social Nationalist Party)

North I

  • Walid Al Baarini (Future)
  • Mohamad Sleiman (Future)
  • Tarek Merheby (Future)
  • Khodor Habib (Future)
  • Hadi Hobeiche (Future)
  • Webhe Katisha
  • Asaad Dergham (Free Patriotic Movement)

North II

  • Najib Mikati (Azm)
  • Jean Obeid (Azm)
  • Ali Darwich (Azm)
  • Nicolas Nahhas (Azm)
  • Samir Al Jisr (Future)
  • Mohamad Kabara (pro-Future)
  • Dima Jamali (Future)
  • Othman Alamaddine (Future)
  • Sami Fatfat (Future)
  • Faysal Karamy
  • Jihad Samad

North III

  • Tony Frangieh (Marada)
  • Estfan Doueihi (Marada)
  • Fayez Ghosn (Marada)
  • Salim Saadeh (Syrian Social Nationalist Party)
  • Sethrida Geagea (Lebanese Forces)
  • Joseph Isaac (Lebanese Forces)
  • Fadi Saad (Lebanese Forces)
  • Georges Atallah (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Gebran Bassil (Free Patriotic Movement)
  • Michel Mouawad


Free Patriotic Movement and allies (29 MPs)

Moustafa Husseini (Akkar MP), Assad Dergham (Akkar MP), Michel Mouawad (Zgharta MP and head of the Independence Movement), George Atallah (Koura MP), Gebran Bassil (Batroun MP), Salim Aoun (Zahle MP), Michel Daher (Zahle MP), Elie Ferzli (Rashaya MP), Nicolas Sehnaoui (Beirut MP), Antoine Pano (Beirut MP), Cezar Abi Khalil (Aley MP), Farid Boustani (Chouf MP), Mario Aoun (Chouf MP), Alain Aoun (Baabda MP), Hekmat Dib (Baabda MP) , Edgar Maalouf (Metn MP), Elias Bou Saab (Metn MP), Ibrahim Kenaan (Metn MP), Roger Azar (Keserwan MP), Nehme Frem (Keserwan MP), Chemil Roukoz (Keserwan MP), Simon Abi Ramia (Jbeil MP), Edgar Traboulsi (Beirut MP), Ziad Aswad (Jezzine MP), Salim Khoury (Jezznine MP), Hagop Terzian (Beirut MP and member of the Tashnaq party), Alexi Matossian (Beirut MP and member of the Tashnaq party), Hagop Bakradoanian (Metn MP and head of the Tashnaq party), Talal Arslan (Aley MP and leader of the Lebanese Democratic Party). 

Future Movement (20 MPs)

Walid Baarini (Akkar MP), Mohammed Suleiman (Akkar MP), Tarek Al Maarabi (Akkar MP), Hadi Hobeiche (Akkar MP), Mohammed Kabbara (Tripoli MP), Samir El Jisr (Tripoli MP), Dima Jamali (Tripoli MP), Othman Alamedine (Donniyeh MP), Sami Fatfat (Minniyeh MP), Mohammed El Hajjar (Chouf MP), Bahia Hariri (Sidon MP), Saad Hariri (Beirut MP), Nouhad Machnouq (Beirut MP), Tamam Salam (Beirut MP), Roula Tabesh (Beirut MP), Nazih Najm (Beirut MP), Baker El Hajayri (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Mohammed Karaawi (West Bekaa MP), Assem Araji (Zahle MP), Henry Chedid (West Bekaa MP). 

Amal (17 MPs)

Nabih Berri (Tyre – Zahrani MP), Ali Osseiran (Tyre – Zahrani MP), Michel Moussa (Zahrani MP), Enaya Eizzedine (Zahrani MP), Mohammed Khawaja (Beirut MP), Ghazi Zaeiter (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Mohammed Nasrallah (West Bekaa MP), Ali Khreis (Tyre – Zahrani MP), Ali Bezzi (Bint Jbeil MP), Ayoub Hamid (Nabatiyeh MP), Yassine Jaber (Nabatiyeh MP), Hani Kobeissi (Nabatiyeh MP), Kassem Hachem (Nabatiyeh MP), Ali Hassan Khalil (Marjeyoun MP), Anwar Khalil (Hasbaya MP), Fadi Alameh (Baabda MP), Ibrahim Azar (Jezzine MP).

Lebanese Forces (15 MPs)

Wehbeh Qaticha (Akkar MP), Setrida Geagea (Bshare MP), Joseph Ashak, Fadi Saad (Batroun MP), Anis Nassar (Aley MP), George Adwan (Chouf MP), Pierre Bou Assi (Baabda MP), Eddie Abilamaa (Metn MP), Chawki Daccache (Keserwan MP), Ziad Hawwat (Jbeil MP), Imad Wakim (Beirut MP), Antoine Habcheh (Baalbek – Hermel MP), George Okais (Zahle MP), Cezar Maalouf (Zahle MP), Jean Talozian (Beirut MP).

Hezbollah (13 MPs)

Anwar Jemaa (Zahle MP), Ibrahim Moussawi (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Walid Soukariya (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Hussein Hajj Hassan (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Ali Mokdad (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Ihab Hamadeh (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Amine Cheri (Beirut MP), Hussein Jechi (Tyre MP), Nawaf El Moussawi (Tyre – Zahrani MP), Ali Ammar (Baabda MP), Ali Fayad (Hasbaya MP), Mohammed Raed (Nabatiyeh MP), Hassan Fadlalah (Bint Jbeil MP). 

Progressive Socialist Party (9MPs)

Bilal Abdallah (Chouf MP), Hadi Aboul Hassan (Baabda MP), Fayssal El Sayegh (Beirut MP), Wael Abou Faour (West Bekaa MP), Marwan Hamadeh (Chouf MP), Taymour Jumblatt (Chouf MP), Nehmeh Toemeh (Chouf MP), Akram Chohayeb (Aley MP), Henry Helou (Aley MP). 

Al Azem Movement (4 MPs)

Najib Mikati (Tripoli MP), Jean Obeid (Tripoli MP), Nicholas Nahas (Tripoli MP), Ali Darwiche (Tripoli MP).

Pro-Hezbollah parliamentary blocs

Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party (3 MPs) 

Salim Saadeh (Koura MP), Albert Mansour (Baalbek – Hermel MP), Assaad Herdan (Hasbaya MP). 

Pro-Hezbollah MPs (8 MPs)

Faisal Karameh (Tripoli MP), Jihad Samad (Donniyeh MP), Abdel Rahim Mrad (West Bekaa – Rashaya MP), Jamil El Sayyed (Baalback-Hermel MP), Eddie Demergian (Zahle MP), Oussama Saad (Sidon MP), Adnan Traboulsi (Beirut MP and member of the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects, known as Al Ahbash.)

Independents (3MPs)

Fouad Makhzoumi (Beirut MP), Moustafa Al Husseini (Jbeil MP), Michel El Murr (Metn MP), Farid El Khazen (Keserwan MP).

Marada (3 MPs)


Tony Frangiyeh (Zgharta MP), Estephan Douheiri (Zgharta MP), Fayez Ghosson (Koura MP).

Kataeb (3 MPs)

Sami Gemayel (Metn MP), Elias Hankash (Metn MP), Nadim Gemayel (Beirut MP).



Paula Yacoubian (Beirut MP).