

Engineers Richa and Zakhria and creator Farah pose with Guinness World Records official Smith in front of a wine glass in Beirut

Lebanon set  a record for the world’s biggest glass of wine.

Organizers of a wine festival in Beirut poured around one hundred bottles of Lebanese wine into the giant glass, 2.4 meters high and 1.65 meters wide.

"The previous record was set in Portugal 12 years ago, and I’m proud to announce that Lebanon has achieved a new record," Guinness World Records adjudicator Liz Smith told Reuters Television at the festival Friday evening.

 The size of the glass meant that even with dozens of bottles poured in, it was not even a quarter full. And no one appeared in a rush to drink from the cocktail of red, white and rose wines which were sloshed in with abandon.

 Organizers said winemakers from across the country had contributed their produce as part of a campaign to promote Lebanese wine — half of which they said is exported. This glass brings together all the wine producers (in Lebanon)," said Nada Farah. The wine glass may be a useful accompaniment for Lebanon’s other forays into culinary extremes. In recent years it has claimed the world’s biggest servings of kibbeh and tabbouleh, traditional meat and salad dishes, and the biggest bowl of hummus