
by Bob Fredericks— President Donald Trump has been publicly vague about what he and Vladimir Putin agreed to in their two-plus-hour private chat in Helsinki — but the Russians have been filling in some gaps, including a plan announced Friday to return 1.7 million Syrian refugees to their homeland. Russia’s Defense Ministry said it had sent a proposal to Washington to jointly organize the return of the refugees under a deal agreed to by the president and the Russian strongman. “The active advancement in this direction has been helped by the agreements reached by the presidents of Russia and the United States during the summit in Helsinki,” Mikhail Mizintsev, a ministry official, was quoted as saying by TASS, the country’s news agency. The US and Russia’s militaries have a communications link in Syria to avoid accidental clashes and joint work on refugees would represent greater cooperation. “The proposals presented by Russia are currently being worked out by the US side,” the ministry said.

The proposals include setting up a Russian-US-Jordanian monitoring group in Amman and a similar group in Lebanon. It said over 1.7 million Syrian refugees displaced after war broke out in 2011 would be able to return to Syria in the near future. Mizintsev said preliminary assessments indicated 890,000 refugees could return to Syria from Lebanon in the near future, 300,000 from Turkey and 200,000 from European Union countries. Trump has only alluded to the refugees when speaking about the meeting. He and Putin discussed “the range of issues,” Trump said, “starting with the civil war in Syria and the need for humanitarian aid and help for people in Syria.” Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, admitted on Thursday that he was clueless about what the commander-in-chief and Putin, a former KGB officer, had talked about. Democrats and some Republicans have demanded to know what went down in the private meeting, but the president has to date not been publicly forthcoming. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. With Post Wires