
By Melissa Cantor, Editor at LinkedIn News — On the heels of a pandemic that frayed social ties, the world has seen war break out in Ukraine, economies teeter on the brink of recession, scientists issue “urgent” warnings on climate change and an international banking system left reeling by recent fractures. Pessimism would not be unwarranted — yet global happiness hasn’t declined since 2020, according to the United Nations’ World Happiness Report. Here are the countries with the highest level of life satisfaction and other findings from the report:

Finland is the happiest country for the sixth year in a row, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Israel and the Netherlands. Australia, Canada and the U.S. take spots 12, 13 and 15 respectively, with France bumped out of the top 20 and now in 21st place. Overall, benevolence toward others is up 25% from pre-pandemic levels.