
by naharnet — The Syrian government on Monday apologized for not being able to receive Wednesday a Lebanese delegation that was supposed to discuss the issue of sea border demarcation between the two countries, an official Lebanese source said. The Syrian government said the apology is related to “previously-scheduled appointments,” Al-Jazeera TV quoted the source as saying. A Syrian diplomatic source meanwhile told al-Mayadeen TV that “there was no agreement over an appointment in the first place for it be canceled.” “The Lebanese side proposed a date that was not appropriate for the Syrian side, but there has been no cancelation of an appointment nor a visit request,” the source added. LBCI television meanwhile said that “the security agencies in each of Lebanon and Syria are not enthusiastic to launch dialogue over the issue of sea border demarcation between the two countries, which was reflected in a letter that was sent to the Lebanese Foreign Ministry this evening through the Syrian embassy.”

The Lebanese Presidency had announced earlier in the day that “following a phone call that President Michel Aoun held days ago with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over sea border demarcation between the two countries, President Aoun tasked Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab with leading a Lebanese delegation to Damascus on Wednesday to hold meetings with top Syrian officials.” Aoun also met with Bou Saab on Monday and “discussed with him the nature of the mission that the Lebanese delegation will undertake with the Syrian officials as part of the demarcation of the maritime border between Lebanon and Syria.”