
By Abigail James (NEWS CONSORTIUM)



LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – According to the guide titled, Sister’s Role in Jihad, it is the mothers job to create the "Caliphate cubs." Training is recommended to begin with newborns; the older the child is the less susceptible he will be to the message. "Don’t underestimate the lasting effect of what those little ears and eyes take in during the first few years of life," states the guide.

Immediately the mother should cut out all television, singing and dancing. The horrific guide insists the mothers show their innocent children pictures and websites glorifying ISIS’ movements, tell them tales of jihad battles and train them with toy guns and darts to prepare for their future in ISIS.

The guide persuades target-practicing but stresses parents should "make it very clear who their target should be, and who their target should not be."

ISIS training begins when the child is born.

ISIS training begins when the child is born.

"As we move into 2015, Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, ISIS, and other jihadi groups worldwide continue to invest a lot of effort in indoctrination of the next generation of fighters," explained Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the U.S-based Middle East Media Research Institute. "It is important for the West to understand that all these groups want the world to know that this indoctrination is taking place.No matter what happens in Iraq and Syria in the near future, the next generation – the children of Baghdadi and grandchildren of bin Laden – have already been brainwashed to hate the West and to strive for jihad and martyrdom."

Stalinsky underlines the importance in recognizing the fact that these brain-washed children are dangerous and is something we must be prepared for. They are trained on the battlefield, know how to build bombs and suicide belts and know how to behead and crucify the innocent.

Photos of young children prancing around in ISIS garb, carrying severed heads, posing with guns and waiving the ISIS flag are posted online and stand as proof on how effective this guide has become in the Middle East.

However, the guide is not constricted to the Middle East. With an unknown author, the guide is often posted in online file-sharing websites, making it available to anyone.

British extremist, Runa Khan used the guide as inspiration when she posted a picture of all six of her children dressed in jihadi uniforms.

This guide is being used widely accepted by both Muslim mothers and ISIS fighter fathers.

This is a reality. The next generation of ISIS is brewing on the forefront, and the West should not take lightly to it.