
The famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were among the seven wonders of the ancient world.

And now a Middle Eastern businessman has recreated this marvel for the modern age by recreating it inside a petrol station.

The stunning picture of luxury cars being fuelled up under canopies of leaves and flowers has gone viral on imgur, having been viewed more than a million times.

It was snapped in the trendy bar nightlife spot of Mar Mikael in Beirut.

One commenter said it was the "most aesthetically pleasing one in all of Lebanon", adding the way they hold the foliage is through metal fencing, and it basically just loops around the metal wires."Another commented: "I love when everyday things are made beautiful."

But other commenters pointed out that if the photographer stepped back a little more, the picture would have revealed the river of rubbish flowing down the streets after the city’s rubbish collection system broke down.

Heavy rains have exacerbated a months-long waste collection crisis caused by the closure of landfill sites and politician’s failure to find a new contractor to clear the rubbish.

mushypeaz commented: "This is a classic example of how photography can be misleading.

"If the photographer moved back, you would be able to see the massive and overflowing garbage bins to the left.

"Then again, you would also see the beautiful graffiti that surrounds this station.

"This station in particular is next to a bunch of bars as another redditor mentioned and turns into a valet car park at night."

Others criticised the owners for mixing petals with petrol, saying it was a fire hazard.