
Tunis — The Declaration issued by the Council of Arab Interior Ministers has not classified Lebanese party "Hezbollah" as terrorist organisation and is not a binding decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Friday.

Tunisia’s position as host country of the Arab institution "stems from its attachment to Arab joint action and is in harmony with the joint position adopted by the council. »

"Tunisia’s endorsement of this joint move does not hide the important role of Hezbollah in the liberation of Lebanese occupied territories," the ministry, however, noted.

Hezbollah has to "avoid all that is likely to threaten stability in countries of the region and their internal security," the MFA added

Tunisia remains attached to the constants of its foreign policy based on non-interference in countries’ internal affairs, reads the statement.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Khemaies Jhinaoui had indicated Thursday in a televised interview with Elhiwar Ettounsi that Hezbollah’s blacklisting as terrorist organisation does not represent Tunisia’s position which should emanate from the President of the Republic in co-ordination with the government.

At its meeting Wednesday in Tunis, the Council of Arab Interior Ministers "condemned and deplored" in its final declaration entitled ‘Tunisia Declaration to Fight Terrorism’ "the practices of hazardous work carried out by terrorist group Hezbollah to destabilise security and social peace in some Arab countries."

Several parties and civil society organisations have denounced the council’s decision in separate statements, deploring Tunisia’s endorsement of this move.