

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri meets with a US Congress delegation at the Grand Serail on Wednesday. (Dalati & Nohra)

by Beirut – A delegation from the US Congress visited Beirut on
Wednesday and discussed with Lebanese officials US aid to the country. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri met with the delegation at the Grand
Serail, where talks focused on several issues, including US aid to the
Lebanese security apparatuses. Headed by US Republican Congressman Harold Rogers, the delegation comprised six congressmen.

A statement by the US embassy in Beirut said: “Representative Harold
Rogers (R-KY) led a delegation of six Congressmen including
Representatives David Price (D-NC), Ken Calvert (R-CA), Chuck
Fleischmann (R-TN), David Joyce (R-OH), and Evan Jenkins (R-WV) to visit
Lebanon on April 12.” “The delegation met with Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese
Armed Forces Commander Joseph Aoun during their visit and discussed the
close relationship and security cooperation between the United States
and Lebanon,” the statement added. The statement also said that the delegation’s visit underscored
Washington’s support for Lebanon, the Lebanese Armed Forces, and
Lebanon’s legitimate security institutions. Hariri met the delegation in the presence of the US Ambassador to
Lebanon Elizabeth Richard, the premier’s media office said in a

Discussions touched on the developments in Lebanon and the region, as
well as the issue of American aid to the Lebanese army and security

According to the statement, the meeting reaffirmed the US continued support for Lebanon, the army and security apparatuses.