
by AFP — BEIRUT: The US embassy in Lebanon said on Saturday it supported the one-month-old anti-government protest movement in Lebanon. “We support the Lebanese people in their peaceful demonstrations and expressions of national unity,” the embassy said on Twitter. Lebanon has since Oct 17 been swept by an unprecedented cross-sectarian protest movement against the entire political establishment, which is widely seen as irretrievably corrupt and unable to deal with a deepening economic crisis. The government stepped down on Oct 29 but stayed on in a caretaker capacity, and an economic crisis has also battered the country.

Some local players, notably the powerful pro-Iranian Shiite movement Hezbollah, have accused “external parties” and Western embassies of supporting the popular uprising, including through financial backing. Several mass rallies are planned for Sunday in cities across Lebanon to keep up the pressure on the country’s ruling class. On Saturday, an initiative dubbed the “revolution bus” traversed the country. Leaving Akkar region in the north in the morning, the bus – decorated with the names of protest hotbeds in the multi-confessional country – arrived early in the evening in the southern city of Sidon. According to protesters, the initiative sought to break down geographical and sectarian barriers and overcome the collective trauma of the 1975-1990 civil war. In an incident that became emblematic of inter-sectarian schisms during that deadly conflict, a bus was strafed by gunfire.

 Lebanon's finance minister Mohammad Safadi is reported to have withdrawn his candidacy to be prime minister. REUTERS/Cynthia Karam

by Nicky Harley — — Former finance minister Mohammad Safadi has withdrawn his candidacy to be prime minister of the next Lebanese government. In a statement, Mr Safadi said it would have been difficult to form a “harmonious” cabinet supported by all parties. He said he hoped outgoing prime minister Saad Hariri would be designated again for the post. On Thursday, three of Lebanon’s main political parties agreed on the 75-year-old billionaire businessman as their choice to become Lebanon’s new prime minister. Caretaker Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, head of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), had confirmed on Friday that Mr Safadi would be nominated for the post when formal deliberations on forming the next government begin in parliament on Monday. But on Saturday evening Mr Safadi said in a statement that he had decided to withdraw following consultations with political parties and a meeting on Saturday with Mr Hariri. “It is difficult to form a harmonious government supported by all political sides that could take the immediate salvation steps needed to halt the country’s economic and financial deterioration and respond to the aspirations of people in the street,” the statement said.

It comes just hours after ratings agency S&P Global lowered Lebanon’s sovereign rating further into junk status, stating that diminishing confidence in the country and its economy has led to a reversal of inflows into the country’s banks. The agency cut Lebanon’s long- and short-term foreign and local sovereign credit ratings to CCC/C from B-/B, and said the outlook on its debt was negative, citing a one-in-three chance of a further downgrade as its next rating action.

After the candidacy announcement on Thursday there were further protests in Mr Safadi’s home city of Tripoli. Demonstrators gathered in front of one of his properties to protest against his nomination, which they said was the opposite of the changes demanded in a month of protests across the country. Mr Safadi, who amassed his fortune largely through real estate, is also a retired politician with a string of alleged corruption cases behind him. Protesters are demanding a change from the nation’s current political elite, whom they consider to be old and corrupt. Mr Hariri quit as premier on October 29 in response to protesters’ demands for sweeping change in Lebanon’s political system and an end to corruption and sectarian cronyism but politicians had been unable to agree on a new cabinet. Lebanon’s caretaker Defence Minister, Elias Bou Saab, said on Thursday that the country was in a “very dangerous situation” and compared recent street unrest to the start of the 1975-1990 civil war. Rallies have been overwhelmingly peaceful but a protester was shot dead in an altercation with soldiers on Tuesday.

Lebanon’s prime minister Mr Hariri resigned last month following several weeks of protests, with citizens blaming Lebanon’s political elite for widespread corruption and nepotism, which they say contributed to the country accruing $86 billion (Dh316bn) of public debt, equivalent to 150 per cent of gross domestic product.