

A United States diplomatic source said that the naming of Lebanon’s former Information Minister Michel Samaha to its global terror list was an important step in the fight against terrorism. “[Monday’s] designation of Samaha was important because such designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to abandon terrorism,” the source told NOW on Tuesday.


Asked about the timing of the decision, the source said that the US action was “to notify the world that Samaha is actively engaged in terrorism.” “These actions expose and isolate Samaha by denying him access to the US financial system.  Moreover, these actions can assist or complement law enforcement actions of other US agencies or other governments.” Regarding the link between the designation of the ex-minister and the Syrian attempts to undermine Lebanon’s security, the source said that the US authorities designated Samaha under an executive order that addresses such attempts. [Link]