
The U.S. airstrikes on a Syrian regime air base Thursday night have yielded widespread praise from America’s Western allies, but reaction in the Middle East has been mixed, with both condemnation of the attack and approval from the major players. President
Donald Trump approved the strike as a response to a chemical attack in
Idlib province by the Syrian government against civilians. Turkey’s
health ministry confirmed that the attack used sarin gas, a
nerve agent that was banned in the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993. The Pentagon is investigating the extent of Russia’s role in the attack, according to CNN. America’s
escalated role in the Syrian crisis will directly affect members of the
Arab world, and the stakes are high. Many countries there are deeply
invested in working to resolve Syria’s six-year war, from funding and
arming different parties to sheltering displaced refugees.
Here’s how leaders and civilians in several Arab nations have responded to the strikes.

Lebanon In
Lebanon, there has been a wide spectrum of reactions. The country is
currently hosting more than 1.5 million refugees from Syria ― a group
about one-third the size of Lebanon’s own population.
A report from The Daily Star,
an English-language newspaper based in Beirut, shows a few different
responses from displaced Syrians there. Abudulkareem Raslan lives in a
village near Sidon, a city in the southern region.
American attack was an act of aggression against an Arab country that
refuses to be under American tutelage,” Raslan told The Daily Star. “All
[200] of us in this camp are with the Syrian regime.”
“God curse everyone who took up arms and fought us. Why did Trump order to attack us?” he asked. Others,
who are opposed to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, feel excited
at the prospect of American intervention in Syria.
the American warplanes attack the regime forces, and send Bashar
[Assad] to hell,” said Abu Hafez, a refugee who lives south of Beirut in

politicians, who are much more skeptical of the situation, offered
little praise for the airstrikes. Samir Jisr, a member of Lebanon’s
Parliament, had harsh words for the strikes and blamed Russia for the
according to Lebanon’s National News Agency. “Americans
and Europeans intervene indirectly and disregard crimes committed by
the regime,” Jisr said. “They pretend that they are combating terrorism
while they created it and are paying the price.” Lebanese
President Michel Aoun responded by condemning the use of weapons of
mass destruction during a meeting with the World Health Organization’s
Middle East region director on Friday,
according to NNA.
Aoun took the opportunity to urge international leaders to push Israel
to sign treaties restricting the use of these types of weapons.

Hezbollah, Lebanon’s paramilitary party, has been fighting for the Syrian regime and Assad since 2013. Hezbollah issued a statement Friday calling the U.S. airstrike an “idiotic step” that would lead to “great and dangerous tensions” in the Middle East, according to Reuters. The statement also said the attack was a “service to Israel,” but did not go into detail.

foolish step by Trump’s administration will lead to great and dangerous
tensions in the region, and will also complicate the situation in the
world,” the statement says,
according to NNA.

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader and public face of Hezbollah, has yet to respond to the situation.


Leaders in Iran, an ally to Assad and Hezbollah’s largest sponsor, have expressed disgust at the recent U.S. military action.

condemns use of all [weapons of mass destruction] by anyone against
anyone,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted Friday morning.
“Not even two decades after 9/11,
 US military fighting on same side as al-Qaida & ISIS in Yemen & Syria. Time to stop hype and cover-ups.”

was one of the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted in Trump’s
collapsed travel bans, and has been strongly critical of his
administration. Tehran responded to the “
hostile policies of the U.S. government” in January with reciprocal measures, barring American citizens from entering Iran.

in the Arab world started referring to Trump as “Abu Ivanka” in the
wake of the military attacks, referring to his elder daughter, Ivanka Trump. Some Western media outlets have framed the nickname as
a form of praise.

calling the president “Abu Ivanka” could also be a form of mockery,
since in the Arab world, “Abu” must be followed by the name of the
eldest son, not a daughter. (Donald Trump Jr., not Ivanka, is Trump’s
eldest child.) Therefore, using “Ivanka” could be a way to imply that
his daughter is a more powerful or influential figure than the president

Saudi Arabia

sharp contrast to Iran, Saudi Arabia declared that it “fully supports”
Trump’s military intervention, calling it a “courageous decision by U.S.
President Donald Trump to
 respond to the regime’s crimes against its people.”

responsible source at the foreign ministry expressed the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia’s full support for the American military operations on
military targets in Syria, which came as a response to the Syrian
regime’s use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians,” state
media reported.

Along with other Persian Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia has quietly supplied arms to rebel groups working to take out Assad.

The Financial Times reports that “America strikes the regime of Bashar” has been a popular hashtag among Saudi social media users.


Western media outlets have reported that in Syria, social media users
are changing their avatars to show messages of adoration pasted atop
photos of Trump.

“Syrians are changing their profile pictures to Donald Trump in order to ‘thank’ him,” reported Indy100.

But Rami Jarrah, a British-born Syrian analyst now based in Gaziantep, Turkey, says this gesture is being widely misinterpreted.

Syria, there used to be a slogan that means ‘We love you,’ and it’s
basically the slogan that was used by the Syrian regime with pictures of
Assad everywhere, because during his so-called ‘presidential campaign,’
that was his slogan,” Jarrah explained to The WorldPost.

idea is that [Syrians] are mocking it,” he went on. “They’re happy that
Trump made the hit, but they’re mocking the idea of saying they love

are generally pleased that the Trump administration is targeting Assad,
especially after former President Barack Obama’s failure to enforce his
red line” against the regime’s atrocities, Jarrah said. But “there are mixed feelings.”

person has mixed feelings, basically because it is an intervention, and
Syrians generally have been opposed to interventions,” he said.

earned a strong reputation in the Arab world following the
inspirational messages he gave when he came into power and during the Arab Spring, Jarrah said. But “his statements were much more powerful than what actually happened,” which led to disappointment in Syria.

In contrast, Trump’s quick, retaliatory action has generally been well-received in the war-torn country, according to Jarrah.

a lot of dispute there right now, and Syrians are not proud of the
intervention, but they do feel it’s necessary to place down that ‘red
line,’” he said. “The worry is that this ‘red line’ [will be enforced]
only after the use of deadly chemical weapons like sarin gas.”