
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer

Verizon has bought
Yahoo for $4.83 billion.

Here are the headlines:

  • Yahoo’s most critical investor says he’s ‘subdued’ by the

  • There is some confusion over whether Marissa Mayer is staying
    at Yahoo

  • Mayer refuses to say the Verizon sale was ‘at all’ a

  • Her golden parachute will be worth $54.9 million if she gets

  • This woman has been given the job of merging Yahoo with AOL

  • Former Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn says he’d be ‘excited’ if he
    were a Yahoo employee right now

  • AOL’s Tim Armstrong used a word that should have Yahoo
    employees shaking in their boots

  • WALL STREET PAYDAY: A handful of tiny firms will make a killing
    from the Verizon-Yahoo deal

  • Yahoo is the latest piece of Verizon’s $10 billion plan to
    challenge Facebook and Google