

Washington, D.C.

The White House released the annual salaries for President Donald Trump’s key aides on Friday.

Here’s how much some of the most senior staff make each year:

  • Reince Priebus (Chief of Staff): $179,700
  • Sean Spicer (Press Secretary): $179,700
  • Sarah H. Sanders (Deputy Press Secretary): $165,000
  • Donald McGahn (Counsel to the president): $179,700
  • Stephen Miller (Senior policy advisor): $179,700
  • Kathleen McFarland (Deputy National Security Advisor): $179,700
  • Omarosa Manigault (Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison): $179,700
  • Gary Cohn (Director of the National Economic Council): $30,000

Although the figures for several senior aides represent a minor increase from President Barack Obama’s administration in 2012, their real incomes were slightly lower due to the faster pace of inflation. For instance, former Obama Chief of Staff Jacob Lew reportedly earned $172,200 — adjusted for inflation that would be about $183,378 today.