
The Khazens and Fakhr Al Din

The Khazen Cheikhs and Emir Fakhr Al Din Al Maa’n

22 March 2008

Emir Fakhr Al Din Al Ma’an was the biggest Lebanese Emir of all times, taking into consideration his power, good management, and good morals. His power expanded beyond Lebanon, large parts of Syria, and else where. His influence is still seen.

He was known for helping the Christians especially the Catholic and releasing them from the oppression that they were put under. Add to that, most of the Emir’s army was made of the Christians especially the Maronites. He also allowed Christian missionaries to spread around the Mediterranean defending them and their faith. He also treated the Christian mission tolerantly granting Abbeys of Nazareth and Sidon.

A biography of the Emir was written by Father Jean Roger, telling in a book he published in year 1664 in Paris, that he was a Muslim (Druze) in public but Christian in secret. He spoke about the Ottoman Sultan’s order to kill him by being strangled and before that was done, he turned his face towards the East and marked himself a Cross. They also found on his body a small gold Cross he was wearing. His death occurred on 14.March.1635.

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Cheikh Wadih el Khazen and Arab reconciliation

زيارة سلطان ودور قطر الرائد            مع مودتي

                                في المصالحات العربية

منذ إندلاع الأزمة الرئاسية في لبنان وضعت دولة قطر ثقَلها في الميزان العربي لرأب الصدع ما بين المملكة العربية السعودية والجمهورية العربية السورية حول القضايا الشائكة في العراق وفلسطين ولبنان. فكانت زيارات مسؤوليها الجوالة على وتيرة شبه دائمة إلى أن أوتيت ثمارها أخيرا في زيارة ولي العهد السعودي الأمير سلطان بن عبد العزيز إلى قطر وأدت إلى التصافي بين أهم دولتين خليجيتين كمدخل إلى التصافي العربي بين سورية والسعودية.

وكان من بوادر هذه الزيارة وبواكيرها إعلان سعودي رسمي على لسان الأمير سلطان بالمشاركة الأكيدة في قمة دمشق في 29 الجاري والقول " إن السعودية ستكون أول المشاركين فيها".

لم يكن الخلاف السعودي

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Cheikh Abi Nawfal El Khazen

Lebanon in the Period of Cheikh Abi Nawfal El Khazen

22 March 2008

After death of Cheikh Abi Nader, Cheikh Abi Nawfal became his successor where his governing was known to be effective and powerful. He continued concentrating on the Catholic faith, and made sure that it spreads around the country and becomes an inspiration for generations to come. Because of this, in 1656, the Pope Alexander the seventh granted him and his sons a Roman-Royal reward which became one of the Khazens’ symbols. On the other hand, King of France rewarded him Beirut’s Council but he also managed the Italian council.

In 1658, Cheikh Abi Nawfal transferred Akkar, and Batroun’s treasure to the government, at time where the state could not trust any one else’s obligation. At the same year, Emir Melhem Maa?n died and Emir Ahmed and Korkomas became his successors, sons of Emir Ali son of Emir Fakhr Al Din maa’n. Again, Cheikh Abi Nawfal had his mission to occupy the management of the country’s matters, as his grand fathers did.  

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د. فريد الخازن : ال&#

د. فريد الخازن : الفراغ مرحلة انتقاليّة لا نعرف متى تنتهي

رأى النائب الدكتور فريد الخازن أنّ الفراغ في لبنان ليس فراغ مؤسسات سياسيّة ودستوريّة فقط، بل هو فراغ في المساحة المشتركة بين اللبنانيين، لأنّنا في مرحلة انتقاليّة لا نعلم متى تنتهي او اذا كانت ستنتهي، وكذلك فان الفراغ يصيب العمل الحزبي والثقافة والاخلاق.

" همزة وصل " حاورت الدكتور الخازن على الشكل التالي:

– يبدو ظاهريّاً انّ الفراغ هو فراغ سدّة الرئاسة الاولى، ولكن الواقع أنّه فراغ يصيب كلّ شيء في البلد. ما رأيك؟

* صحيح. الفراغ الظاهر هو في المؤسّسات الدستورية، وبالتالي في الحياة السياسية، ونحن الان في مرحلة اعادة تكوين البلد. اي انّنا في مرحلة انتقالية لم تنته بعد وقد لا تنتهي. نعرف انّ الدولة كانت معطّلة وغائبة في مرحلة الحرب 1975

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Who’s afraid of Marjane Satrapi?

Persepolis, the graphic novel turned Oscar-nominated movie by Marjane Satrapi, has been shown in two cultural centers in Tehran but it will not be seen any time soon in Lebanon, where the censor fears its critical portrayal of Iran’s Islamic revolution might upset the Shia population.  By RITA BAROTTA and GERT VAN LANGENDONCK BEIRUT, March 13, 2008 (MENASSAT)

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Lebanon Majority celebrates 14 March

Beirut – Lebanon’s anti-Syrian ruling "March 14 Forces coalition" started Friday its first official convention with the aim of declaring a comprehensive political platform for the country. The convention also marks the third anniversary of a massive demonstration often credited with stoking the international pressure that brought an end to Syria’s 29-year military presence in Lebanon following the assassination of former premier Rafik Hariri in 2005.

The grouping’s secretary, former MP Fares Soueid, said the coalition would extend its hand to all other parties in Lebanon in a bid to overcome differences and unify national ranks. Speaking on behalf of the ruling coalition’s different parties, Soueid announced the March 14 Forces’ first "political declaration." "Together for the salvation of Lebanon, together for defending our right to live, together for living peacefully in a sovereign, democratic, and modern state," read the declaration’s opening lines.  The declaration focused on four major points; national unity as a precondition to true independence, protecting state sovereignty through restructuring state institutions and restricting the possession of arms to the state exclusively, protecting independence through redefining the concept of resistance in a way that conforms with national criteria, and safeguarding independence by restructuring Lebanon’s role and relations in the Arab world.  Soueid stressed that national unity could only be achieved by creating a civil state that develops the idea of true citizenship at the expense of clientalism and sectarianism.  Soueid said Lebanon’s sovereignty could not be protected without restricting the possession of arms to the state.  Damascus must stop treating Lebanon as if it is a district of Syria," Fares Suaid, a key coalition figure, told around 2,500 people at a conference in Beirut to mark the anniversary.

According to organizers, the convention entitled "Spring of 2008" will try to define the coalition’s political objectives, a feature that has been largely absent from Lebanese politics – both before and after the Syrian withdrawal. The March 14 coalition came into existence in the wake of the assassination of Hariri, who was killed in a massive bomb blast at a seafront area of Beirut along with 20 other people on February 14, 2005.

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Syria invites Lebanon to Arab summit

by Khalil Fleyhan, BEIRUT (AFP) – Syria on Thursday officially invited Lebanon to the Arab summit, a move seen as a bid to ease tensions with Arab countries who had hinted they might boycott the meeting should Beirut be excluded. The Syrian invitation was addressed to Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, but there were doubts on whether he would accept.

Some cabinet ministers criticized Damascus for not following standard protocol in extending the invitation and said Lebanon should boycott the meet because of Syria’s role in the country’s protracted presidential crisis. The invititation was submitted by Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmed Arnous to Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh. "I have received an invitation from Syrian premier Mohammad Naji Otri’s envoy for Prime Minister Fuad Siniora to attend the 20th Arab summit," said Salloukh, one of six opposition ministers who resigned from the government in November 2006 but who has nonetheless still been fulfilling some of his official duties. "My ministry will submit the invitation to the prime minister when he returns from the Organisation of the Islamic Conference summit being held in Dakar " he added. The Syrian foreign ministry issued a statement quoting Arnous as saying that it would be up to Lebanon to determine at what level it will be represented at the summit.

"Due to the presidential void, Lebanon will choose the person who will represent it at the summit and Syria will receive them cordially," the statement quote Arnous as saying.The Arab summit is scheduled for March 29-30 in Damascus. It has been mired in controversy over Lebanon’s participation and the presidential crisis it is facing because of a standoff between the opposition, backed by Syria and Iran, and the majority backed by the West and many Arab states.

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Lebanon’s vulnerable child workers

By Mike Sergeant, Their faces are covered in dirt. Their hands are tough and grimy. Their eyes have been hardened by years of adult labour. Lebanon’s child workers lost their playfulness a long time ago. According to some estimates, up to 100,000 children – some as young as eight years old – work in Lebanon. The problem is getting worse because of the long-running political crisis in the country, and growing economic uncertainty here.  Stroll down some of the inner city streets in Tripoli and you can see young boys sawing, painting, hammering and welding.  During what should be school time, there are children hard at work in almost every workshop, garage and cafe.

Necessity: Mahmoud, 14, lives in a world of machines, tools and dirt and spends his days cutting wood and making furniture.  He tells me he last went to school three years ago. Studying is no longer an option. His family needs the money, so he puts in 12-hour shifts for couple of dollars a day.  Lebanon signed an international convention in 2001 which included a series of measures to curb the worst forms of child labour.  But – due to total political deadlock here – nothing has been implemented.  The children don’t complain about their situation. For many, school was just a brief interlude before the real business of life began.  Some say they are still ambitious to become doctors, lawyers or bankers. Few seem to realise those avenues are probably already closed.

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