
Lebanese women suffer under outdated laws

by Rana Moussaoui, BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanese women may be known as the Arab world’s most liberal but they are by no means the region’s most liberated considering antiquated laws that reduce them to second-class citizens. "The law in this country still considers a woman as being inferior," complained sociologist Rafif Sidaoui. From domestic violence to rape to adultery, the rights of women often fall by the wayside in this multi-confessional sectarian society, nonetheless deemed avant-garde in the mostly conservative Middle East. "One of the absurd laws on the books allows a rapist to be exempt from prison if he marries his victim," said Ezzat Mroue, vice-president of the Women’s Rights Committee (WRC). "A few years ago, there was a major scandal when a young man, who was after his cousin, kidnapped her from her university," she added. "He raped her and then brought her before a sheikh who married them. "The result was that he was not guilty in the eyes of the law," Mroue said.

And although so-called "honour crimes" are not widespread in Lebanon, as in some other Arab countries, every year a number of women are killed by male relatives under the pretext of defending the family honour.Under the law, the murderer can benefit from "mitigating circumstances". But "murder is murder and you cannot apply different penalties" depending on gender, insisted Mroue. She said when it comes to adultery, the picture is not brighter. A woman can be sentenced to two years in prison if a third party accuses her of cheating on her husband, whereas a man has to be caught red-handed before being hauled to court.

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Lebanese Citizenship


إقتــــراح قانـــــون

شروط استعادة الجنسية اللبنانية لمن هم من اصل لبناني

مادة أولى :    كل شخص مقيم خارج لبنان من اصل لبناني ، ولم يختر الجنسية اللبنانية خلال المهل المحددة بالقوانين اللبنانية ، يعتبر حكما" من الجنسية اللبنانيـة شرط :

1 ـ   إثبات اصله اللبناني .

2 ـ   إقامته ثلاثة اشهر متواصلة على الأراضي اللبنانية .


مادة ثانية :    يثبت الأصل اللبناني لصاحب العلاقة بالرجوع الى أصله العائلي الذي ينحدر منه ويربطه لأحد أصوله لجهة والده وذلك بالإستناد الى أدلة مختلفة يمكن إثباتها بواسطة الوثائق والسجلات والمستندات الرسمية الصادرة عن الإدارة أو القضاء أو الإشارة الى أصله وعائلته في كتب الأنساب وتاريخ العائلات أو أي مرجع مماثل (ملكية عقارية ) إضافة الى سجلات المراجع الدينية المعترف بها والمستندات الصادرة عنها . وعند توفّر عنصر القوة القاهرة المتمثّلة بتلف السجلات القديمة ، يمكن إثبات أصل اللبناني بالوسائل كافة منها البيّنة الشخصية وبيّنة القرائن .


مادة ثالثة :    يقدم طلب الإعتبار من الجنسية اللبنانية وفقا" للمادتين الأولى والثانية من هذا القانون الى وزارة الداخلية موقعا" من صاحب العلاقة ومصادقاً على توقيعه من الكاتب العدل مرفقا" بسجله العدلي وبالمستندات الثبوتية المشار إليها في المادة الثانية أعلاه . يحال الطلب الى الأمـن العام للتحقق من صحة المستندات المرفقة به .


مادة رابعة :   يقوم رئيس مصلحة الاحصاء والأحوال الشخصية بوضع تقرير بنتيجة

التحقيقات .


مادة خامسة : يحيل وزير الداخلية الأوراق الى مجلس الوزراء مع رأيه بالوسائل الثبوتية المحققة ، بحيث إذا ثبت لديه اصل الشخص اللبناني واقامته ثلاثة اشهر متواصلة على الأراضي اللبنانية وخلو سجله العدلي من الجرائم المشينة ، ابدى رأيه بقبول الطلب ، وعلى مجلس الوزراء إصدار القرار بإعتبار صاحب الشأن من الجنسية اللبنانية ، ولا يمكن رفض الطلب الا في حال عدم توفر اسباب الثبوت .


مادة سادسة : تلغى جميع النصوص التي تتعارض مع احكام هذا القانون .

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Lebanon Health care

March 2008 (IRIN) , According to a December 2007 report by the Lebanon government in conjunction with the World Health Organization, of the over 1,500 beds in some 15 state hospitals, just 300 are functioning. By comparison, Lebanon has 175 private hospitals with around 14,500 functioning beds. They are generally considered to have more modern facilities and provide a higher standard of healthcare.

Abed Akkawi and Salah Eddine Azawi talk about their experiences of Lebanon

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Lebanese industrialists to sue government

BEIRUT: The Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI) plans to file a lawsuit against the government for failing to protect local industry against unfair foreign competition, the head of the group said on Monday. "We have had enough. The government must understand that local industry can no longer stay in business if the free trade agreements are not respected by Arab countries," Fadi Abboud told The Daily Star.Lebanese industrialists argue that most Arab states that have signed free trade agreements with Lebanon subsidize the cost of energy, which is essential for the manufacturing sector.

In addition, the industrialists say that the government is not overly keen to press Arab states to remove the subsidies on manufactured goods that are exported to Lebanon. Abboud said that the association is very serious about the lawsuit, after having exhausted all means to solve the issues of unfair competition."Our lawyers will send these charges to the Shura Council, which in turn will issue a final verdict on this matter," Abboud told The Daily Star.

Economy and Trade Minister Sami Haddad could not be reached for comment. Several Lebanese factories which rely heavily on fuel oil and gas have been forced to close their business and relocate to other countries, while others laid off most of their staff and reduced production. The Lebanese industrial sector, which employs a large number of people, incurred heavy losses after Lebanon inked free trade agreements with Syria, Jordan, Egypt and other Arab countries which provide full support to their local industries.

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Rice Defends US Warship’s Presence Off Lebanon

CAIRO (AFP)–U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended the deployment of a U.S. warship off the coast of Lebanon, saying it was designed to show Washington’s readiness to defend its allies’ interests."As to the American military presence, the U.S. exercise a military presence in the region and it has for a very long time," Rice told reporters in Cairo at a news conference with her Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Abul Gheit. "It is simply to make very clear that the U.S. is capable and willing of defending its interests and the interests of its allies. That is really all that is happening there," she said.

Rice was responding to a question on the deployment of the guided-missile destroyer USS Cole to waters off Lebanon, amid concern over regional stability and Lebanon’s protracted political crisis. She said the United States defended the right of the Lebanese to elect their own president. "They have lived too long under the shadow of foreign intimidation and foreign presence," she said. Lebanon has been without a president since last November.

The MP majority accuses Syria of blocking efforts to elect a new president in Lebanon. The opposition last week slammed the presence of USS Cole as military interference, while the government said it didn’t ask for the warship to be sent.

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MP Dr. Farid Elias el Khazen

"المبادرة باتت كأنها لإدارة الازمة فيما المطلوب ايجاد حل" الخازن: لا امكان لإيجاد حل سريع لكن لا نية للتصعيــد رأى عضو كتلة التغيير والاصلاح النائب فريد الخازن ان لا امكان لإيجاد حل سريع للازمة الا ان لا نية عند اي طرف لإحداث اي تصعيد. واسف لكون المبادرة العربية باتت راهنا وكأنها تساعد على ادارة الازمة فيما […]

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MP Abi Nasr – La Mission D’Amr Moussa


    النائب نعمة الله أبي نصر 

 الـى أيـن يأخذنـا السياسيـون ؟ سؤالٌ يتردد على لسان كل مواطن يشعر أن أوضاع البلاد تتردَّى يوماً بعد يوم سياسياً واقتصادِياً ومَعيشياً ، كما يشعر أن الأمنَ مهدَّدٌ بالخطب الناريَّة والشَّحنِ الطائفيّ والمذهبيّ ، وأنه مهددٌ بالإرهابِ الذي يَضربُ بين الحينِ والآخر فيَنجوَ منه الناس بالصدفة على بركة الله .

         إن أسوأ ما وصلنا إليه اليوم ، هو تسليم اللبنانيين وعلى رأسهم السياسيين بمقولة أنّ حل الأزمة اللبنانية لم يعد بيد اللبنانيين ، بل بيد الدول الأخرى ويدلّ على ذلك ما قاله الأمين العام للجامعة العربية عمرو موسى من أن زعماء لبنان قدَّموا آخرَ ما يمكن أن يُقدموه ، وأنَّ مفاتيح حل الأزمة اللبنانية أصبحت خارج لبنان وأنه لا تزال هناك ابواب لا بدّ من فتحها وأهمها العربية والإقليمية .

         إنّها شهادة مؤلمة من أمين عام الجامعة العربية ؛ فهي من جهة تحمّل الخلافات العربية والتدخل الإقليمي مسؤولية ما يجري في لبنان ، ولكنها من جهة ثانية تفضح عجز اللبنانيين عن إدارة شؤونهم وقلّة إيمانهم بقدرتهم على بناء دولةٍ مُستقلةٍ ذات قرار حر . إنَّها الفضيحة الكبرى منذ انسحاب السوريين الذين يقولون اليوم للعالم؛ أنظروا الى اللبنانيين العاجزين عن انتخاب رئيسٍ لهم لأنهم لم يبلغوا بَعد سِنَّ الرشد والنُضج السياسي !!!

         نحن نعلم أن سوريا تتدخل وكذلك إيران والسعودية وأمريكا وأوروبا وغيرها من الدول .

         وكلُّ دولة تبحث عن مصالحها ولا تتردّد في إستخدام لبنان ساحةً لتحقيق المكاسب أو تصفية الحسابات ، ولكن أين مسوؤليتنا نحن كلبنانيين ؟ وما هي حساباتنا ومصالحنا ؟ ولأن الإستحقاق المطروح هو رئاسة الجمهورية المخصصة حصراً للموارنة من حقِّنا أن نَسأل أين نحن كمسيحيين وكموارنة بصورَة خاصة ولماذا نتفرّج على وطنٍ ينزلق أمام أعيُننا الى الخراب بعدما دفع آباؤنا وأجدادُنا على مدى أجيالٍ وأجيال ، دماً وتعباً وفكراً لتكوينه وبنائه ؟

         هل كان أسلافنا سيصدقون أن يوماً سيأتي نَنحدر فيه كطائِفةٍ وسياسيين ومجتمعاً الى هذا الدرك ؟!!

         لقد صار ماضينا المشرِّف ، يخجل من حاضرنا ، ومستقبلنا المجهول ، يخاف ممّن يتولون المسؤولية .

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Lebanese woman’s 26-year battle for truth on missing son

by Sylvie Briand, Mariam Saidi spends her days creating clay busts of her beloved son who vanished without a trace 26 years ago, aged only 16, in the midst of the savage civil war which tore through Lebanon. Sitting in her little apartment on the outskirts of Beirut, the mother of five clutches a faded photograph of Maher Kassir and recalls how he disappeared after becoming embroiled in the sectarian violence which blighted the country.

Maher is only one of an estimated 17,000 people who vanished during the brutal 1975-1990 conflict which claimed the lives of more than 150,000 at the hands of Lebanese militias or the Syrian and Israeli armies.For this 59-year-old Shiite, the civil war has still not truly ended and all she can do now is sit in her home in the popular Sfeir district and pray that one day she will discover what happened to her boy. Maher had joined the fight against Israeli forces who entered Lebanon and on June 17, 1982, he was barricaded in a science university building alongside other communist party fighters. The building, also in the Sfeir district, was attacked by Israeli troops, backed by Lebanese Christian militants and her son was captured, Saidi said.

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Moussa fails to end Lebanon impasse

The head of the Arab League has failed to break a deadlock between Lebanese political factions on the distribution of cabinet posts, which is holding back the election of a new president. Amr Moussa met Saad Hariri of the majority March 14 camp, his ally Amin Gemayel and Michel Aoun, from the opposition, for a second day in Beirut. "It is a given that the opposition will have 10 ministers in the new government, but the question is how to split the remaining 20 portfolios," Moussa said on Monday before leaving the Lebanese capital. The opposition wants enough seats in the new government to give it veto power over cabinet decisions, a plan rejected by the March 14 bloc. He said that both sides shared broad agreement on the need for changes to the country’s electoral law. Lebanese deputies were due to hold a session on Tuesday to elect a new president. But the parliamentary speaker announced on Monday that the vote had been postponed – for the 15th time – to March 11.

The lengthy meeting did not result in a breakthrough, but certain conditions were set between the rival parties for consideration ahead of Monday’s meeting. According to Ghattas Khoury, a close aide of Hariri, "there are still no positive signs." Khoury did not, however, rule out that the ongoing talks "are constructive in a way to remove some obstacles."  The so-called quartet talks are taking place at the Lebanese parliament in downtown Beirut, amid tight security. Mussa also held talks with Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, Hariri and Prime Minister Fouad Seniora on Sunday.  Mussa’s latest attempt at mediation in Lebanon focusses on efforts the implementation of a three-point Arab plan to solve the deepening political crisis.

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