
Lebanese University president says elections will resume

Saturday, March 17, 2007

 Drapeau du Liban (Ratio 2:3) The president of the Lebanese University has announced that elections suspended following clashes on various campuses earlier this year will now proceed. "Since the conditions that led to the delaying of the elections have changed, and since all the students insist that elections should be done in a democratic atmosphere, elections will be resumed at the Lebanese University on March 19," Zuhair Shukor said on Thursday.

Student representatives of the political parties are now preparing electoral campaigns, taking into careful consideration that any confrontation on campus could have serious repercussions for the political situation at large.

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Sayyed lawyer cites UN report in call for client’s release

Saturday, March 17, 2007

[sayyid.jpg]The attorney representing Jamil Sayyed, the former head of the Surete Generale in proceedings related to the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, sent a letter of appeal to both State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza and investigating magistrate Elias Eid on Thursday demanding the "immediate release" of his client.

"The UN probe committee report into the assassination of former premier Rafik Hariri, submitted to the UN Security Council Thursday, makes no reference to my client whatsoever," Akram Azoury said in his letter.

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G-string models promote Lebanon ski resorts

BEIRUT (AFP) – Models in G-strings and lacy bras shivered from the cold as they strutted the catwalk at the foot of snow-covered slopes in Lebanon to promote the conservative Middle East’s largest ski resort. The fashion extravaganza aimed to lure visitors to the country’s six winter resorts whose fortunes have gone downhill since last year’s Israeli offensive, a political and economic crisis — and even inclement weather.

A sea of cameras focused on lingerie-clad models parading on the terrace of the five-star Mzaar Hotel nestling amid the snowy peaks of the Faraya-Mzaar resort northeast of Beirut.The models may have been young eastern Europeans familiar with cold weather, but the scene was purely Lebanese in all of its contrast.

Many Arab states are famous for their deserts, but the tiny mountain country dubbed the Switzerland of the Middle East sports groomed slopes for skiers and snowboarders, as well as scenic cross-country ski and snowshoe trails.

A Lebanese tourism slogan boasts that in springtime aficionados can ski from sun-washed peaks, enjoying breathtaking views of the Mediterranean in the morning — and then swim in the sea the same afternoon.Forgetting for a while the problems that plague the country, Lebanon’s happy few and a small number of tourists sipped drinks and enjoyed gourmet dining on the Mzaar terrace as they watched the daring lingerie show.

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موضوع قانون الان
موضوع قانون الانتخاب اساسي واولوية ومطروح منذ الـ 92

النائب الخــــازن نوّه بكشف شبكة تفجير عين علــــق

وشدد على اتخــــاذ الاجراءات المطلوبة قبل حصول التفجير


نوه عضو تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب الدكتور فريد الخازن بكشف شبكة تفجير عين علق، آملا في ان يكون ذلك بداية لاكتشاف امور اخرى لها طابع امني وأدت الى جرائم كبيرة في البلد، مذكرا بأن هذا ما كنا نطالب به منذ زمن. وإذ لفت الى الى ان الاعلام تحدث منذ فترة عن مجيء 150 شخصا الى مخيم نهر البارد، شدد على وجوب اتخاذ الاجراءات الامنية المطلوبة قبل حصول عمليات التفجير.

وقال الخازن في حديث الى "المركزية": ان ما تحتويه المخيمات من تنظيمات عسكرية اصولية ارهابية يتجاوز عددها عدد التنظيمات الفلسطينية في فلسطين.

واكد ضرورة ضبط المخيمات ومعالجة موضوع السلاح الفلسطيني، وهذا ما تم الاتفاق عليه على طاولة الحوار.

وشدد الخازن اولا على ضرورة اتخاذ الاجراءات في المناطق التي تشهد وجودا لهذه التنظيمات المسلحة، ومنها مَن دخل الى لبنان حديثا، لضبطها، وثانيا على التوافق لاتخاذ قرار سياسي لوضع حد للفلتان والسلاح في المخيمات الفلسطينية، خصوصا وأن السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية بكل مسؤوليها تعلن انها ضد هذا السلاح وتبدي استعداها للتعاون مع الدولة اللبنانية في هذا الامر، وقال: "اذاً، هناك حاجة ملحة ومسؤولية مباشرة يجب ان تتخذها الاجهزة الامنية لضبطها. ويجب ان لا ننسى انه كان على الجيش اللبناني الدخول الى المخيمات في سنة 1991، ولم يكن هناك قرار سياسي آنذاك، اما اليوم فأعتقد انها من المسائل الاساسية المطروحة بعد انهاء الازمة وتشكيل حكومة جديدة. فلا نستطيع معالجة الموضوع عندما تستجد المشكلة

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Berri, Hariri agree on need for speedy solution

Monday, March 12, 2007

Berri, Hariri agree on need for speedy solution

Speaker Nabih Berri and parliamentary majority leader MP Saad Hariri, who are preparing for a third round of talks, agreed over the weekend to "fast and serious" consultations to find a solution to Lebanon’s enduring political crisis. Meanwhile, Hizbullah officials on Sunday renewed their vow that the opposition would step up its campaign against the government if a "compromise" solution was not reached soon.

"We could have reached a solution a while back if it wasn’t for hampering efforts by the US, France and some officials in the March 14 camp," Hizbullah MP Hussein Hajj Hassan said during a commemoration of the passing of 40 days of mourning for Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad.

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Rival Lebanese leaders hold political crisis talks

Thu Mar 8, 2007 6:18pm ET25

Two rival Lebanese leaders held late-night talks on Thursday, the first such meeting in four months, to discuss ways to end a political crisis that has raised fears of a civil war.

Anti-Syrian majority leader Saad al-Hariri, a Sunni Muslim, met Shi’ite Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, a key opposition leader, at Berri’s headquarters amid heavy security

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Israeli PM says Lebanon war was pre-planned: report

Thu Mar 8, 2007 5:16am ET

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has testified he launched last year’s war against Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon in line with a contingency plan he approved four months before.

Olmert, under fire for his handling of the inconclusive 34-day war, told a judicial inquiry last month that Hezbollah’s capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 triggered the plans for a large-scale attack in Lebanon, the Israeli newspaper said.

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Gemayel: Stable Lebanon is key to regional peace

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Gemayel: Stable Lebanon is key to regional peace

BEIRUT: Achieving stability in Lebanon is the first step to solving other Arab crises, especially those of Palestine and Iraq,  former President Amin Gemayel said Monday. The former president was speaking from Egypt following a meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whom he met for talks on the current situation in the Arab world and the Lebanese crisis.

"During our meeting, I sensed from President Mubarak his complete understanding of the situation in Lebanon and his support for Lebanon’s march toward internal stability and peace through the respect for constitutional institutions and the Lebanese democratic system," Gemayel said

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Sfeir ‘supports’ any group promoting national cohesion

Tuesday, March 06, 2007   Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir said Monday he "supported" any gathering that promotes national cohesion, and hoped the Lebanese work to find a "final" solution to the current crisis. Sfeir was addressing a delegation from the Multaqa Gathering headed by MP Pierre Dakkash. Earlier Monday, Dakkash enumerated the goals of […]

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