
النائب الخازن رك

آذار 2007  

قال عضو "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب فريد الخازن في لقاء نظمه مكتب "التيار الوطني الحر" في بلونة عن "الواقع السياسي والانمائي في لبنان وكسروان"

ورأى ان "القرار 1701 يمكن وضعه بالخزانة الكبيرة التي ضمت كل المسائل المطروحة على الساحة السياسي اللبنانية، واهمية هذا القرار ايضا انه ادى الى نشر الجيش على الحدود مع اسرائيل بعدما كان محظورا عليه الانتشار تحت نظرية تقول وجود الجيش في الجنوب يعني حمايته لاسرائيل تحت نظرية ليست موجودة الا في الفكر اللبناني. اليوم اصبح الجيش على الحدود مع اسرائيل وهو منتشر بشكل فاعل بالتعاون مع قوات الامم المتحدة المعروفة ب"اليونيفيل" المعززة والتي تضم في عديدها 29 دولة. ولم يعد الوضع ملتبسا، كما كان في السابق، بما لا يسمح لاسرائيل بالافادة من اية ذريعة للاعتداء على لبنان".  
ولفت الى ان "الجانب الاسرائيلي لم ينفذ القرار 1701 بحذافيره بعد لكون اسرائيل لا تزال تخرقه عبر طلعاتها الجوية الاستفزازية".  

تطرق الى "الوضع الحكومي لا سيما بعد احداث تموز المأسوية والتي دمرت لبنان"، فقال: "في بلد طبيعي سليم في نظامه الديموقراطي كان من المفروض ان تكون فيه حكومة جديدة غير الحكومة الحالية بعد حدث كبير كالذي جرى، لان من الطبيعي ان يحدث فيها تغيير كبير. وهذا الامر لم يحصل ومن الطبيعي انه وعبر التغيير ان يتحصن الوضع الداخلي عبر تمثيل اوسع في الحكومة الجديدة، لكن الامر لم يحدث. ونحن اليوم امام موضوعين اساسيين هما: المحكمة ذات الطابع الدولي والحكومة. فالمحكمة الدولية متوافق عليها من كل اللبنانيين بمعنى ان الاطراف اللبنانيين كافة متوافقون عليها. وفي ما يخصنا نحن كتيار وطني حر كرر الجنرال عون موقفه المؤيد لها اكثر من 49 مرة، اضافة الى بيانات التكتل في هذا المجال(…)".  

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Hizbullah denies CIA claims on training Iraqis

Friday, March 02, 2007 Hizbullah denied Thursday accusations made by US National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell, who said that the resistance group was training Iraqi fighters in Lebanon and sending them back to Iraq to commit attacks against American troops. In a statement issued by its press office, Hizbullah described McConnell’s allegations as "yet another […]

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Jumblatt trumpets US support for ‘coexistence, free economy’

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jumblatt trumpets US support for 'coexistence, free economy'

BEIRUT: Speaking from Washington on Wednesday, Druze leader MP Walid Jumblatt said that the United States’ commitment to the Lebanese "model" remains unchanged, as various other Lebanese leaders expressed hope for a resolution early next month to the current political crisis.

In an interview with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, the head of the Progressive Socialist Party said that he had "emphasized to the US the importance of maintaining Lebanon as a model for coexistence, a model of free economy, a model of freedoms in the Arab East, in the face of a desire by the Islamic Republic [of Iran] and Syria to break this model."

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Lebanese security officer charged with helping foreign intelligence

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lebanese security officer charged with helping foreign intelligenceBEIRUT: Lebanon’s Military Tribunal is prosecuting a General Security officer on charges of bribery and of preparing reports on Hizbullah, Al-Qaeda and possible terrorist elements in Lebanon on behalf of an unnamed European country.

 Military Investigating Magistrate Jean Fahd charged the unidentified officer, who worked as an inspector at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport, with "disobeying military rules to realize a material and personal benefit by preparing security reports and sending them to non-Lebanese parties."

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UAE official says South will be clear of unexploded munitions

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

UAE official says South will be clear of unexploded munitions by end of 2007

BEIRUT: South Lebanon will be cleared of cluster bombs and other unexploded ordnance by the end of 2007, the director general of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Program to Support and Reconstruct Lebanon announced on Tuesday. The number of cluster bombs left over from the summer 2006 war with Israel is "unordinary," Mohammad Khalfan Rumaithi said in a statement. "We have never witnessed such a great number of cluster bombs in any previous war."

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ISF dismantles explosive device in Mkalles

Wednesday, February 28, 2007BEIRUT: Lebanese security forces dismantled an explosive device made of dynamite in the eastern Beirut neighborhood of Mkalles on Tuesday, security sources said. The charge, made up of seven sticks of dynamite attached to a timing device and a detonator, was not equipped with a nine-volt battery required to set it off, security sources said.

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Israeli warplanes fly low over south Lebanon

Wed Feb 21, 4:34 AM ET


BEIRUT (Reuters) – Israeli warplanes flew at a low altitude over large areas of southern Lebanon on Wednesday, witnesses said.

U.N. peacekeepers and Lebanon say Israeli overflights violate Security Council Resolution 1701 that ended the July-August war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas.

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Hezbollah building new military line
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Feb. 26 (UPI)
The armed wing of the Lebanese Hezbollah organization is openly rebuilding a military line further back from the Israeli border along with an arsenal.

A Times of London correspondent reported the build-up is occurring out of sight of the 12,000-strong U.N. Interim Force In Lebanon, or UNIFIL, although peacekeepers said they are aware of what’s going on.

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Lebanese president asked to Arab summit

By HUSSEIN DAKROUB, Associated Press Writer Mon Feb 26, 7:47 PM ET

BEIRUT, Lebanon – Saudi Arabia’s king on Monday invited Lebanon’s president to an Arab summit next month amid signs in this fractured country that his Western-backed political opponent, Prime Minister Fuad Saniora, might not be asked to attend.

The invitation was delivered by Saudi State Minister for Cabinet Affairs Abdullah Zeinel during a meeting with President Emile Lahoud, a statement released by the president’s office said.

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Lebanon’s Jumblatt asks US for aid against Syria

Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, seen here in December 2006, said Monday he was in Washington to ask for US aid to fight Syrian influence in his country.(AFP/File/Joseph Barrak)

Mon Feb 26, 6:55 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt said Monday he was in Washington to ask for US aid to fight Syrian influence in his country.

"It is not a secret. Yes I am seeking assistance," said Jumblatt, a prominent lawmaker from the anti-Syrian parliamentary majority.

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